b'fruits and vegetables, with their naturally AAsskkiinnggqquueessttiioonnssoccurring antioxidants. Some treatments are People seeking care from CAM providersdirected at improving liver function or adding should look for someone who reects theirber to improve excretion of waste. Reducing health beliefs. There are many dierent types ofsodium to improve symptoms and axonal CAM such as naturopaths, Chinese traditionaldamage and to reduce risks of cardiovascular medicines, acupuncture, dietary counselors,disease may be tried. Consuming foods with or massage therapists among others. medium chain triglycerides and omega oils Are you looking for someone who canare used to reduce inammation. Avoiding improve your exercise, diet, emotional health,rened sugars and empty calorie foods can or some other aspect of your care? Try to ndreduce risks of obesity and impaired cellular a CAM provider who understands MS andfunction and damage. People with MS are traditional as well as alternative approachesoften more willing to consider a DMT if their to the disease. Does the CAM provider workconcerns about diet and CAM therapies are togetherwithtraditionalproviderssothatalso addressed. their care is truly complementary? If theyS disparage proven traditional therapies, it isSyymmppttoommiinntteennssiittyyrreedduuccttiioonnBut health isnt just about what you put in likely that they will not work well with youryour body, its also what you do with it and traditional practitioner. Have they spent timehow you think about yourself and the world in a traditional MS center, or taken continuingaroundyou.Physicalactivity,yoga,deep education courses on the disease? Care is bestbreathing, and meditation all can improve when the traditional and CAM practitionershealthbyreducingstressandimproving are working together towards the same goaloxygenation. These activities may also enhance of improving health.sleep, an important component of restoration. Traditional and complementary medicinePoor sleep hygiene because of excessive can work well together. Patients may benetdaytime naps, frequent waking for urination, from the dierent aspects of care given byor because of pain and depression can make these types of providers, including not onlyquality sleep seem unattainable.treatment with DMTs but also concerns withdiet, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. The CAMIn addition, many symptoms of MS can be provider can also help interpret the traditionaldicult to treat with medication. Sometimes medical system for you. As with any team,medications create unwanted side-eectsnding teammates that work well togethersuch as pain medications that cause confusion, and with you leads to the best outcomes. or immune modulators that cause fatigue.CAM modalities such as massage, acupuncture, T ell us what you want to see inand even hypnotherapy may help to reduce MS Focus Magazine.the intensity of these symptoms, leading to Email comments to: editor@msfocus.orgbetter health outcomes. The CAM provider is or write to: Editor, MS Focusoften well-versed in diet, sleep, and alternative 6520 N. Andrews Ave.,treatments for MS symptoms that may not be Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309available in a traditional medicine setting.23 msfocusmagazine.org'