b'Read. Watch. Listen.Some Days WeBy Julie A. Stamm, illustrated by Sean J. LavenJulie Stamm knows rsthand the challenges ofparenting with MS. So her new childrens book aimed at early elementary aged childrendealswith real-world situations children face when theirparentshaveMS, withapositiveandimaginativeapproach.Some Days We shows kids that parents with MS have good daysand bad days, but throughout them all, can be good parents.28 pages / $13.99msfocus.us/Summer20ReadDr. Terry Wahls reects on her diagnosesDr. Terry Wahls reects on the year she was diagnosed with relapsing-remittingmultiple sclerosis in 2000. In this conference, Wahls covers her approach to treatingMS-related symptoms through dietary changes that surpass your standard U.S. diet.msfocus.us/Summer20WatchLets Find Better DaysIn Episode 3 of the Lets Find Better Days podcast,Kimani Hendricks interviews Art Alexakis, lead singerof the band Everclear. Alexakis talks about what led to his MSdiagnosis, life o the road and his new video, Hot Water Test. msfocus.us/Summer20Listen 7 msfocusmagazine.org'