b'exactly why studies such as these are important appreciate you doing your part to protect others they have the potential to improve qualityand yourself.of life for people with MS now, while we wait Though this pandemic continues to alter thefor the research into a cure to succeed. way in which we do things, MS Focus continuesDear MS Focus, to provide services for the MS community.I want to thank you for the Cooling Program You can still reach us through our Nationalgrant. As a person with MS, I will denitely be Toll-Free Helpline, but while most of us areputting it to good use! I greatly appreciate the working from home, you may have to leave apeople who are wearing protective gear right voicemail and receive a return call. You cannow, and I know I would not be able to use apply for most of our services directly throughprotective gear without the cooling gear. So, ourwebsite,www.msfocus.org.Whenyouheres a great big thank you! Its nice to know need to speak to a support service coordinator,there are good people like you out there email may be the quickest way to reach us.providing help, even during a pandemic!Email support@msfocus.org for assistance. Best wishes and good health to all. Sincerely,Have Your SayKelly Hill If you have tips and suggestions forDear Kelly, making life easier with MS, wed loveYou are very welcome, and our thanks to to hear them! Email us at:you for wearing protective equipment. We editor@msfocus.org.T HIISSIISSAACCAALLLLTTOOAACCTTIIOONN::THWe need your help! During thisCOVID-19crisis,donationshavedrasticallydecreased,thoughtheneeds of the MS community haveonly increased. In order for us to continue tosupport you, yourlovedones,orothers aected by MS, we are askingyou to join our organization and giveme 5. How? (1) Donate $5 if you can. If each one of our followers donates just $5, our programscan continue to meet the critical needs of people with MS as they have before. (2) Next, Sharewith 5 people. Send this fundraiser to ve people you know who care about multiple sclerosis.(3) Finally, give MS Focus a virtual high ve. Share why you think MS Focus matters. Post onsocial media how MS Focus has helped you. Encourage others to support the cause. With your help, we will be able to continue serving the MS community through this crisisand beyond. You can donate online at: msfocus.org/give-me-5.9 msfocusmagazine.org'