b'MS Focus Activities[ TAKEAWAYSSocial distancing and stay-at-home orders because of Covid-19 presented challenges to ourusual schedule of programs, but it did not prevent outreach. During the spring MS Focus madethe transition to a series of teleconferences to enrich the lives and meet the needs of those inthe MS community. If you missed a teleconference or want to revisit one, you will be able to ndit online either at YouTube or SoundCloud. March TeleconferencesStaying Positive with MS, Frederick W. Foley, Ph.D. msfocus.us/030320How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet ,Hollie Schmidt, MS msfocus.us/031020Im Visible , Cherie Binns, RN, MSCN msfocus.us/031620Decision Making Skills,Darin Okuda, MD msfocus.us/031920De-Stress 101, Ways to De-stress During COVID-19Miriam Franco, PsyD, MSW, MSCS msfocus.us/032720MS and COVID-19 , Ben Thrower, MD msfocus.us/033020April TeleconferencesStaying Acive with MS , Christoper Wells msfocus.us/040220How to Work Eectively with Your Care PartnerRosalind Kalb, PhD msfocus.us/040820Keep Moving! Practical Approaches to Exercising with MSBrian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS msfocus.us/041320Making Healthier Food Choices , Zoe Edwards, MS msfocus.us/041620Managing Depression, a Mindful ApproachTiany Malone, MSW, MSCS msfocus.us/042220At Home with the Kids: Parenting with MS During IsolationShambrekia Wise, MS Advocate msfocus.us/042420New Treatment Options for Multiple SclerosisJohn Schafer, MD msfocus.us/042820May TeleconferencesMS and COVID-19: A Town Hall MeetingTirisham Gyang, MD and Carlos Sollero, MD msfocus.us/050420Dietary Approaches to Treating MS-related SymptomsTerry Wahls, MD msfocus.us/050520msfocusmagazine.org 42'