b"Ben Thrower is the medical director of the Andrew C. Carlos MS Institute atthe Shepherd Center in Atlanta, and the senior medical advisor for MS Focus.He is also a clinical instructor of neurology at Emory University and participatesactively in clinical research.Megan Weigel is an advanced registered nurse practitioner specializing in thecare of MS patients. She received her doctor of nursing practice degree fromthe University of Florida in Gainesville, Fla., where her research focus waspreventive healthcare in MS patients. She is an active speaker in theregion, both to patients and healthcare providers, on topics related to the careof people living with MS. Ellen Whipple has been a medical advisor with MS Focus since 2002. She is aclinical pharmacist employed within medical aairs, as a director of medicalcommunications, and a clinical assistant professor with the University of GeorgiaCollege of Pharmacy.Christine Willis is the Clinical Information Librarian at Children's Healthcareof Atlanta, Egleston Hospital.Marco Vespignani is currently adjunct faculty at Bastyr University for NaturalHealth in Seattle, teaching clinical neurology. He received his bachelor's degree inevolutionary biology from the University of Hawaii where he became interested inthe human role in the ecosystem and ultimately, natural medicine. He graduatedfrom Bastyr University with a degree in Naturopathic Medicine in 2004.Michael Zervas is a licensed physical therapist who practices in the inpatientrehabilitation setting in New York City. He is also the research assistant for astudy by the City University of New York, examining the effects of a maximalstrength training program on gait and balance in persons with MS, alongsideDr. Herb Karpatkin at Hunter College.Your name: MS Focus accepts submissions from voluntary contributorswho have MS or work with the MS community in a professional capacity. Sendinquires or submissions to: editor@msfocus.org.5 msfocusmagazine.org"