b'Symptom ManaDementFFiivveePPrroovveennCCAAMMTTrreeaattmmeennttssf orrMMSSSSyymmppttoommssfoY everyone has access to physical therapy, orYooggaaffoorrffaattiigguueeFatigueisarguablythemostcommon their insurance may place limits on the numbersymptom of multiple sclerosis, occurring in of visits available. Pilates can be a helpful7595 percent of those diagnosed. Doctors alternative you can do at home, or there may besay exercise decreases fatigue, but the idea aordable adaptive classes in your community.Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise thatof engaging in exercise may seem counter- aims to strengthen muscles while improvingintuitive when you are feeling exhausted. But postural alignment and exibility. In studies,you dont have to work out at the gym or train it has improved performance for people withfor a marathon to get benets. Gentle yoga can MS on timed walking tests.be an easy and eective way to experience Mthe fatigue-busting benets of exercise without Maassssaaggeeffoorrbboowweellddyyssffuunnccttiioonnthe strain. It also has the advantage of being MS can aect the nerves controlling boweladaptable to anyone, anywhere. Yoga is for function, causing constipation or fecalevery body. incontinence. Several types of massage haveR beenexploredtohelpwiththistroublingReellaaxxaattiioonntteecchhnniiqquueess symptom. While research is ongoing, abdominalf orrddeepprreessssiioonn massage has proven to improve problems duefoDepression is another common symptom to neurogenic bowel dysfunction. Reexologyof MS. While medication and mental health foot massage has been shown in small studiestherapy are the gold standard of care, many to help with constipation. mental health professionals are taking an CCaannnnaabbiissffoorrssppaassttiicciittyyintegrativeapproachandincorporating Spasticity can be a particularly troublingdierent types of meditation that have proven symptom, one that is dicult to treat successfully.tobeeectivecomplements.Mindfulness Antispastic medications can be sedating, andmeditation, progressive muscle relaxation, may oer decreasing eects over time. Butand deep relaxing breathing exercises all studiesoforalcannabisextractshoworaldecrease depression severity in studies.cannabis extracts can be eective for spasticity,Pilates for walking pain, and in some cases incontinence associatedPilates for walkingMany people with MS experience decreased with MS. walking speed and stability. Physical therapy Talk to your doctor about integrating thesecan be eective for these symptoms, but not science-backed techniques into your MS care.msfocusmagazine.org 20'