b'Mannes, author of The Power of Music, writes, year and/or graduate-level academic program,Scientists have found that music stimulates complete a six-month supervised internship,more parts of the brain than any other human and then pass an exam to become certiedfunction. by the national Certication Board for MusicPracticing Music Therapy Therapists.Some methods can be practiced in-home. Many music therapists work in collaborationHowever, the road to greater benets often begins with other therapy professionals as part of aby joining individual and group sessions with multidisciplinary team. You can nd board-a certied music therapist. Based on the needs certied music therapists in schools, hospitals,of the client(s) and chosen content, meetings outpatientclinics,andthroughin-homevary between 25 and 60 minutes. Because service agencies. The American Music Therapymusic is ageless, sessions run for both adults Association (www.musictherapy.org) maintainsand children.a roster of board-certied music therapists allCertied music therapists complete a four- over the country. 19 msfocusmagazine.org'