b"Medicine and ResearchIt was well written, and illustrations were amazing way to address issues within familiesfriendly and fun. It addressed many aspects andmakewhatcouldbeascarymedicalof what MS is, and symptoms that could be condition seem not as scary. Findings fromfaced. It dealt with some emotions like fear our study have provided insight into whatand embarrassment (wheelchair). I was really worked and what did not work for a childrenshappy to see the A little extra for families book that explains a disease. We learned wesection. This is info we all need when discussing were on the mark with language use, humor,how much and when to give information, and illustration style. Additionally, we learnedpreparation for the possible scenarios - wheel- the guiding questions provided by one of thechair or other assistive devices - and things we characters, Sami, aided as either discussionmight not think of as we begin or continue tolearn about MS starters, or with deepening a discussionThese ndings will provide us a wealth of between parent and child, thus making theknowledge regarding what works and what book interactive between characters and thedoes not work for upcoming children's books. readers. Finally, the parent resource sectionFurther, we gained an expanded knowledge in the back of the book was proven to be anof areas we need to address in future books, in eective resource for the families reading theorder to best help families who have a parent book. Were excited to continue the journeyexperiencingMS.Childrensbooksarean with our series of childrens books for MS Focus.To order a copy of A Conversation About MS, or the sequel, Along Came Jae, msfocus.org/Get-Educated/Educational-materials/BookletsWhat is your Do-to complementaryand alternative medicine therapy?Cindy Gunnels McGraney: CBD tincture oil.Bernadette Ferri: I believe exercise helps me with my core strength and balance.Robin Moshier: Massage. I just wish insurance would cover it.Yolande Sander: Magnesium and calcium for muscle spasms.Shannon Dotson: Stretching and yoga have reversed my spasticity (along with aggressive DMT useto prevent new damage). Adding simple balance exercises as a habit multiple times a day has helpedenormously also, such as standing on one leg (safely next to a wall/counter/etc.) has helped keep meambulatory also.Lacey Bean: Acupuncture and cupping are my miracle medicines.Diana M. Goodwin: Kratom has helped me greatly. Shuts down muscle spasms and helps with energyand mood.Denise Muller: Yoga, physical therapy, vestibular therapy.msfocusmagazine.org 36"