b'CAM Word ScrambleUnscramble these ten words using the hints below.1. MSAAGE2. TAPAHYMAROER3. AOYG4. UUERCCTUANP5. REFOELOXLYG6. ATRHRPICROCO7. UCMSI YHRAETP8. EDBBICFAOKE9. SISPNYOH10. NIDTATMEO1.rubbing the pain away2.using essential oils to alter mood, improve sleep, and manage pain3.this ancient Indian practice involves movement, poses, and breath4.thin needles are used along the bodys meridians5.pressure point therapy6.the doctor you see when you need an adjustment, but not an attitude adjustment!7.using instruments and songs to improve health8.using visual or auditory monitoring to learn to control your own involuntary bodyprocesses9. using a trance-like state for therapeutic purposes 10. uses techniques such as mindfulness or visualizationSolution to last issues puzzle -Test Your Vision: Do You Have 20/20Did you nd all 10 dierences?59 msfocusmagazine.org'