b'MS FocusedAdapting to the PandemicWere Here to HelpAs the pandemic rages on here in South Florida, most of the MS Focus sta continue towork from home. So how can you contact us when you need help? 1. Apply for services online. Visit www.msfocus.org and click Get Help. 2. Reach us by email. Sending a message to support@msfocus.org is often the quickest way toget a reply.3. Leave a voicemail. Call our National Toll-free Helpline at 888-673-6287 and leave a messageon our upgraded voicemail system. A support service coordinator will return your call. Zoom, Zoom, ZoomIn lieu of our regular events across the country, MS Focus will continue to offer itsteleconferences online using the streaming service Zoom. You can access Zoom by computer,mobile device, or telephone. Please join us in the days ahead as we continue to oer contentfrom world-class experts on multiple sclerosis and related topics.How can you nd out about upcoming teleconferences? There are three ways. 1. Follow us on social media. See a list ofour social media links on - page 2.2. Visit our website, www.msfocus.org. Click onEvents.3. Sign up for the online newsletter MS Focuson Programs to get a weekly email. Go to T-ShirtsSweatshirtswww.msfocus.org. Click Publications and BearsCooling ItemsJewelryselect MS Focus on Programs. Enter your email Orange Ribbon Awareness Itemsaddress and submit. Car Magnets and so much more.Interested in a conference but unable to join? See our online catalog at:If you miss, or want to revisit, the teleconferences, www.themsshoppe.comyou can nd them on MSFocusRadio.org andavailable on-demand on our MS Focus Sound- (920) 238-5138Cloud page, or our YouTube page. info@themsshoppe.comA portion of all proceeds goes to the MSF51 msfocusmagazine.org'