b'with MS. My life has been enriched on the MMyyTTiippssffoorrSSuucccceessssiinnAAddaappttiivveeSSppoorrttss::tennis courts over the last 23 years across manyStay involved and stay connected. If you cantstates through exercise, fun, and friends. participate for awhile due to circumstances,Finally, participation in sports challenges keep up with whats going on in your sportsocietys perception of disability by showing and with your fellow players. persons with a disability as strong and capable.Dont hesitate to ask for help and dont getIt is clear adaptive sports makes a person discouraged. The way we play a sport mayphysically stronger, emotionally supported, look dierent, but it doesnt matter becauseand socially connected. we are playing.Maintaining a schedule of activities takesI encourage everyone to try a sport or leisure practice and patience. activity. Challenge yourself to step outside yourTake rest breaks and remind yourself thatcomfort zone and expand your horizons. Try half the eort produces twice the results. all of them until you nd one that brings youRemember to stay hydrated, dont get over-joy. You will nd camaraderie and will discover heated or fatigued. that being with your peers gives you a sense ofAlways stop exercising if you experiencenormalcy and comfort. Learning acceptance pain or discomfort. of your physical capabilities can actually helpTalktoyourphysicianbeforestartingayou move forward in sport and in life. sport or exercise program.Disability and Sports Statistics 94 percent of persons with a disability report that physical activity has signicantlyimproved his/her quality of life. 81 percent of persons with a disability would like to be more active. 70 percent of persons with a disability are motivated to improve or maintain theirphysical health. 53 percent of persons with a disability thought he/she had more barriers tomaking/keeping friends. 40 percent of persons with a disability feel they are given the opportunity to be asactive as they would like to be. 14 percent of people without a disability were aware of having previously taken part insport with a disabled person. 64 percent of persons with a disability would prefer to participate in a sport with bothdisabled and nondisabled people. 67 percent of people feel uncomfortable talking to a disabled person. 93 percent of women with a disability are not involved in a sport.United NationsDepartment of Economic and Social Aairs: Disability, Disability and Sports,2015, www.un.org/development/desa/disabilites.17 msfocusmagazine.org'