b'Symptom ManaDementhas the Power to HelpTherapists use many techniques, including singing, songwriting, imagery,and instrumentation.By Kimani HendricksAs wethinkofsummer, wemayrecall So dierent types of music therapy can treattimes when we stayed outside for most of the dierent MS symptoms. The cerebellum playsday, eating, laughing, and listening to music a signicant part in timing in motor activities,with friends. While the pandemic we face or and, if damaged because of MS, results inthe summer heat may now keep us inside, diculty with movement. Studies show inmusic remains, lifting our spirits. Indeed, many clinical trials that a particular type of musicpeople describe it as therapeutic.therapy,rhythmicauditorystimulation,isMusic truly can be therapy. Music therapy benecial to those with MS that struggle withis a form of medicine designed to increase the gait. psychological, cognitive, physical, and social Performing and hearing music activateswell-being of patients.thefrontallobe, whichregulatescognitivefunctions from memory to problem-solvingThese sessions go beyond playing songs. abilitiesall the while traveling through theTherapists use a multitude of techniques, temporal lobe. including singing, songwriting, imagery, and Music restoration due to neuroplasticity,even instrumentation. These techniques can which allows the mind to restructure itself,lead to improvement in the quality of life by forms new pathways where old ones areaddressing emotional needs, relieving pain disrupted by MS lesions. Rhythm and musicand stress, and lending a hand in physical have been shown to improve mobility, speech,rehabilitation.and movement of the hands and mouth. How it helps In short, music stimulates the mind andMusic aects the brain in multiple ways. processes throughout its entire system. Elenamsfocusmagazine.org 18'