b"ContributorsCherie Binns has been a registered nurse since 1973. In 1994 she was diagnosed withMS, and received the MSCN certification nine years later. For the past 15 years, Cheriehas operated a home-based patient advocacy business helping people identify thequestions to be asked of their healthcare team. She serves as a member of the MSLived Experience Advisory Panel for MS Focus, and volunteers as administratorfor the organization's two Facebook groups. James Bowen is a neurology specialist in Kirkland, Wash. and has more than38 years of experience in the medical eld. He graduated from Johns Hopkins,School of Medicine in 1982. He is aliated with medical facilities SwedishMedical Center - Cherry Hill Campus and Swedish Medical Center - First HillCampus.Joanne Fortunato is a retired computer technology teacher in Venice, Fla.Diagnosed in 2006, she uses technology to cope with the many diculties thatMS can present. She is a frequent contributor to MS Focus Magazine, using hertechnology education background to help others with MS. Contact Joanne atjfortunato1012@yahoo.com. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence is an associate professor at Western KentuckyUniversity in the Child and Family Studies unit. Darbi uses her experiences asa researcher and a person living with MS to educate as many people as possibleabout the disease. Darbi has written two childrens books about MS availablethrough MS Focus.Herb Karpatkin has been a practicing physical therapist for more than 30 years. Hereceived his masters degree from Boston University, and a doctorate in neurologyfrom Rocky Mountain University. He is board certified in both neurologic physicaltherapy and in multiple sclerosis. He is currently an associate professor of physicaltherapy at Hunter College, and the owner of a physical therapy practice specializingin treatment of persons with MS. Eric Pierce was an equipment engineer in research and development with IBMuntil diagnosed with MS. He is currently a member of the MS Focus LivedExperience Advisory Panel. Eric serves as a member of the USTA-NC AdaptiveTennis Committee and assists with player recruitment for Wheel Serve NC. Heplays tennis weekly with Atrium Healths Adaptive Sports and AdventuresProgram in Charlotte, NC. He has a passion for volunteerism, mentorship and hisgrandchildren. See Eric's story at msfocus.us/EPierce.Kara Skorupa earned her law degree from the University of Florida beforerelocating to Chicago to pursue a post-doctoral degree in health law from DePaulUniversity. During her 26-year legal career, she focused on advocating for thedisabled community, well in advance of her own MS diagnosis. She enjoystraveling and spending time with her family and dogs.msfocusmagazine.org 4"