b'Symptom ManagementEffectively Managing Changes Effectively Managing Changes with Your MS Symptoms with Your MS Symptoms Changes in symptoms, while challenging, can be managed .Changes in symptoms, while challenging, can be managed .By Brian Hutchinson, PTChanges in multiple sclerosis symptomsobjective measurement. To add to the challenge, can be one of the most challenging parts ofmany symptoms can also be inuenced by other living with and managing MS. The uncertaintyfactors, such as internal body or environmental can affect ones ability to plan and pursue thetemperature and emotional stress. Fluctuation activities they enjoy. The changes can be largein these symptoms can be frequent, and or small and frequent or infrequent, makingsometimes, it is difficult to notice if changes it difficult to know when to act and when tooccurred over time.wait and see. In some cases, the changeOther symptoms or functions have more may be so subtle it can be difficult to know ifobjective measurement tools that allow ways it is an actual change. To make matters worse, theto determine changepositive or negativechanges could be in anythingvision, cognition,during a specied period. For example, walking or physical function. But how do you know ifspeed or distance can be objectively measured these changes are something because of MStodetermineiftherearechangesin your or perhaps something else (i.e. aging or otherwalking. Repeated measures of these functions health conditions)?provide additional information to determine Well explore some of the physical symptomsif the change has been sustained over time. and how to determine whether (or not) to seekWe also have more objective ways to measure additional assistance.othersymptomsofMSsuchasspasticity, Some symptoms associated with MS arestrength or weakness, and balance, to help measured through subjective scales, meaningidentify any changes. it can be difficult to quantify with a numberBut the question remains, How do I know or variable. Fatigue and pain are two of theseif the change is signicant? or How do I subjective physical symptoms, which areknow when I should contact my healthcare determined based on an individuals perception.provider? It can be tricky to determine when There are number scales to quantify fatigue,to seek help or when to chalk it up to being but studies show those do not provide a gooda tough day.msfocusmagazine.org 10'