b'a few of the leaders who include me in theirwho still lives with me and who will never be member emails. However, I appreciate all ofable to live on his own. At age 29, he is on you and your dedication to supporting yourpermanent disability but can have a part-time community. job. He takes the bus and gets a few hours a For me, two things happened in the past weekweek. He is impulsive, acts much younger that let me know that I, too, make a difference.than his actual years, and needs constant First, I walked into my local drugstore wearingreminders and supervision. This is my way my orange MS Team t-shirt. The lady at theof giving back for life. I am thankful to be here counter started to get weepy and told me herand able to give back in the ways that I do.best friend/sister passed away from MS, allI wont be riding a bike across the country. alone because her caregiver had left for theI will leave that to my friend Karen. Thank day, and she choked. I told her I was sorry foryou, Karen, for putting in the time and her loss, and then she told me her brother hasmiles. Thank you to all the support group MS as well. I gave her my card and told herleaders and co-leaders who unselfishly give that either of them can call me anytime. Iof themselves almost every day. Thank you spent about 15 minutes there talking to her.to people such as Traci who organize third-party She was so thankful to talk to someone.fundraisers to bring in money for MS Focus. Then, I read the Facebook post my friendAs for me, I will keep giving back in ways I Karen did for her practice ride July 5. It said,can, and for me, that is enough. Yesterday I rode for my friend Marcia. I metNOW AVAILABLEMarcia on a trip to Dominica, and we haveNEW STRENGTHbeen friends ever since. When I met Marcia,LESS LIQUID per mg DOSE* *Compared to the 5mg/5mL formulationshe was struggling with thyroid issues. Weof baclofen oral solutionwould later nd out this was cancer and sheAvailable in Generichad to have her thyroid removed. Marcia is An easy-to-swallow oral liquid form of baclofen, one of the most giving people I know. She worksprescribed to patients with spasticity resulting for the MS Foundation in FL, helping peoplefrom Multiple Sclerosis (MS). with MS navigate the system and educatingOZOBAX DSprovides effective relief of exor spasms and resulting pain, as well as them on what is available to them. Marcia isclonus and muscle rigidity or stiffness. 1one of the many reasons I am riding to raiseLimitations of Use: OZOBAX DS is not indicated for the treatment of skeletal money for the V Foundation in Sept. muscle spasms resulting from rheumatic disorders. 1I continue to work for MS Focus, not justREFERENCES1. OZOBAX DS [prescribing information]. Athens, GA: Metacelwith the support groups, but with Health andPharmaceuticals, LLC; 2023No Refrigeration NecessaryWellness, Outreach, and wherever I am needed.Click to learn more: ozobaxds.comI was able to travel out of state to participate in an educational program in October and lookImportant Safety InformationOZOBAX DS is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to baclofen.forward to others. I donate to MS SupporterAbrupt discontinuation of baclofen has resulted in serious adverse reactions including death; therefore, reduce the dosage slowly when OZOBAX DS is discontinued. Neonatal withdrawal symptoms can occur; gradually reduce the dosage and discontinue OZOBAX DS before delivery. OZOBAX DS can cause drowsiness and sedation. Patients should avoid the operation of machinery until they know how the drug affects them. Advise patients Savings from my paycheck because I feelthat the central nervous system effects of OZOBAX DS may be additive to those of alcohol and other CNS depressants. OZOBAX DS should be used with caution in patients who have had a stroke.that charity begins at home and what betterOZOBAX DS can cause exacerbation of the following: psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, or confusional states; autonomic dysreexia; epilepsy. Use with caution in patients with these conditions.The most common adverse reactions( 1%) in patients treated with baclofen for spasticity are drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, nausea, confusion, hypotension, cause is there than MS Focus?headache, insomnia, constipation, urinary frequency, and fatigue.You are encouraged to report adverse reactions to Metacel Pharmaceuticals, LLC at 1 833-469-6229 or to the FDA: www.fda.gov/medwatch or 1 800-FDA-1088.Of course, then, I come home to the sonFor more information, and to see the full Prescribing Information for OZOBAX DS, please go towww.ozobaxds.com2023 Metacel Pharmaceuticals, LLCAthens, GA 30601MP-OZD-1011-01 11/202335 msfocusmagazine.org'