b'How to assess your cognition and language pathologist, or an occupational How to assess your cognitionSo, where do you start? therapist. This evaluation should assess not First, try to examine your challengesonly cognitive strengths and weaknesses, but objectively. Has your manager at work beenalso mood, medications, and other co-existing pointingoutmoremistakes?Haveyourconditions that could be contributing to the performancereviewsgonefromstellartochallenges. something less impressive? Are tasks that usedNow what? to take minutes now taking longer? If any ofUnderstanding, screening for, and addressing these scenarios sound familiar, take note.your cognitive changes can help you regain Well guide you on what to do next.control. Heres why: Second, get an outside perspective. Some-Baseline cognitive data is valuable. Knowing times, we can be our own worst critics or,where you stand now gives you a point of conversely, may not notice the gradual changesreference for the future. It helps you and your in our abilities. It can be helpful to ask someonemedical team track changes over time and who knows you wellsuch as a partner, lovedmeasure the effectiveness of your disease-one, friend, manager, or coworkerif theyvemodifying therapies, symptom management, noticed any changes. Ideally, this should beand any adjustments to your treatment plan. someone you interact with daily. Remember, Follow-up testing is your friend.Regular its easy to focus on our mistakes (a cognitivetesting allows you to catch any decline earlier, distortion called mental ltering), so an outsideproviding an opportunity to act before issues perspective can provide valuable balance.worsen. It can also give you key information Third, talk with your medical team. In 2018,for improving functioning in your daily life. cognition researchers created national Cognitive rehabilitation can make a difference. guidelinesforscreeningandmanagingIf changes are detected, cognitive rehabilitation cognition in MS. These guidelines, endorsedoftenprovidedbyspecialistssuchas by the Consortium of MS Centers and theneuropsychologists or speech and language International MS Cognition Society, recommendpathologistscan help you develop strategies that individuals with MS should be screenedto manage and improve your cognitive function. annually using the Symbol Digit Modalities Whole health matters. Your cognitive health Test or a similarly validated test. Further, ais not just reliant on MS management; its more comprehensive cognitive assessmentalso inuenced by your overall health. Just should be done if:as with many aspects of MS, focusing onThe screening test is positive.your whole healthhealthy sleep, a balancedThere is a decline in performance from onediet, staying hydrated, regular exercise, and year to the next.stress managementis crucial for maintaining and improving both your physical andYou are applying for disability.cognitive health.If accommodations are needed to improveTaking these steps can help you regain functioning at home, work, or school. control, improve your cognitive function, and A thorough assessment can be conductedultimately enhance your quality of life. Your by a neuropsychologist or a similarly trainedcognitive health is a vital part of your MS specialist, such as a clinical psychologist withjourney, and addressing it head-on can lead expertise in cognitive assessments, a speechto positive, life-changing outcomes. 9 msfocusmagazine.org'