b'MS Focus Activitiesof that, we follow them closely over time tothat we don\'t, but I think we can always do ensure that our interventions are accomplishingbetter. Just because something has worked what we are hoping to. By continuously collectingone way for many years doesn\'t mean it will clinical data, we try to understand whethercontinue.people with MS are improving. So it takes aWedoourselvesandthoseunderour village," he said. care a disservice by remaining solely within Encouraging fulllment what we know; going beyond that leads to Dr. Miravalle believes establishing andgroundbreaking and innovative results. When maintainingpatientrelationshipsandI look back over my career, what satises me challenging the status quo will prevent himmost is knowing I have done the very best for and other medical professionals from becomingmy patientsthat I listened to them, personalized stagnant and unfullled in their practice. "Onetheir disease management, and committed thing we need to be careful of in medicine isto working alongside them every step of the this sense that we are doing a good job. Notway," he said. Tell us what you want to see in MS Focus Magazine.Email comments to: editor@msfocus.org or write to: Editor, MS Focus 6520 N. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 What are some of the subtle or invisible symptoms of MS that impact your daily life?@laurenboyd91 - Cold sensation in my leg and double vision. @yellowsapphires - Using 200 percent of my energy to feel like 30 percent of myself.I get an electric shock every time I get out of any car. I feel like a live wire. @walkthetalk_jaitrali - Mood swings, fatigue, pain, brain fog, breathing difficulty, swallowing difficulty, comprehension issues, blurring of vision, and I can ll this bucket. Lisa Beachell - Balance issues that make it difficult to carry or reach for things, bend over or change direction without feeling unstable. The extra physical and mental effort it requires to do any of those things. Then theres the decreased sensitivity and dexterity that makes it harder to perform any task with my hands. So every thing takes longer to accomplish. And feeling so clumsy all of the time. My brain knows what and how to do something but my body doesnt get the same message. @soulconnectglobal - Finding words, messing up words when I speak, and fatigue. Christopher Neuberger - Fatigue, neuropathy in my hands up to my elbows on good days, forgetfulness, tightly wrapped feeling, loss of sensation all over. Neuropathy in legs and feet on bad days, clouded mind, clouded judgement, easily irritated some days (irritated for no reason feeling), some days high anxiety (feeling like Im not going to make it to my connection in an airport is best way I can describe it), some bad days its like walking through Jello. I could go on. msfocusmagazine.org 40'