b'How should I use KESIMPTA?The most common side effects of KESIMPTA include:medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. become worse or you have new severe signs of See the detailed Instructions for Use that comes withreactions after subsequent injections. It could be a upper respiratory tract infection, with symptoms such as sore Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your health care provider and pharmacist when you get asign of an allergic reaction, which can be serious.KESIMPTA for information about how to prepare and inject athroat and runny nose, and headache. (See What is the most dose of KESIMPTA and how to properly throw away (disposew immunoglobulins. KESIMPTA may cause a decrease important information I should know about KESIMPTA?)new medicine. Loof) used KESIMPTA Sensoready pens or prefilled syringes.How should I use KESIMPTA?headachein some types of antibodies. Your health care providerUse KESIMPTA exactly as your health care provider tells youwill do blood tests to check your blood immunoglobulin These are not all the possible side effects of KESIMPTA. Call See the detailed Instructions for Use that comes with to use it.levels.KESIMPTA for information about how to prepare andyour doctor for medical advice about side effects. KESIMPTA is given as an injection under your skinThe most common side effects of KESIMPTA include: inject a dose of KESIMPTA and how to properly throwYou may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.(subcutaneous injection), in your thigh or stomach-area away (dispose of) used KESIMPTA Sensoready pens orupper respiratory tract infection, with symptoms such as (abdomen) by you or a caregiver. A caregiver may also giveHow should I store KESIMPTA?prefilled syringes. sore throat and runny nose, and headache. (See What you an injection of KESIMPTA in your upper outer arm. Store KESIMPTA in a refrigerator between 36F to 46F (2Cis the most important information I should know aboutUse KESIMPTA exactly as your health care provider tells Your health care provider will show you how to prepare andto 8C).KESIMPTA?) you to use it. inject KESIMPTA the right way before you use it for the firstKeep KESIMPTA in the original carton until ready for use to time.KESIMPTA is given as an injection under your skinheadache.protect from light.(subcutaneous injection), in your thigh or stomach-areaThese are not all the possible side effects of KESIMPTA. Do not inject into areas where the skin is tender, bruised, red, f needed, KESIMPTA may be stored for up to 7 days at room Iscaly or hard. Avoid areas with moles, scars or stretch marks.(abdomen) by you or a caregiver. A caregiver may alsoCall your doctor for medical advice about side effects. give you an injection of KESIMPTA in your upper outertemperature, up to 86F (30C).You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.The initial dosing is 20 mg of KESIMPTA given byWrite the date taken out of the refrigerator in the space arm. subcutaneous injection at Weeks 0, 1, and 2. There is noHow should I store KESIMPTA?provided on the carton.Your health care provider will show you how to prepare injection at Week 3. Starting at Week 4 and then every month, Store KESIMPTA in a refrigerator between 36F to 46F and inject KESIMPTA the right way before you use it forIf stored below 86F (30C), unused KESIMPTA may bethe recommended dose is 20 mg of KESIMPTA administered (2C to 8C).the first time. returned to the refrigerator and must be used within the next 7 by subcutaneous injection.Do not inject into areas where the skin is tender, bruised, days. If this KESIMPTA is not used within those 7 days, thenKeep KESIMPTA in the original carton until ready for use If you miss an injection of KESIMPTA at Week 0, 1, or 2, talk to yourdiscard the medicine. red, scaly or hard. Avoid areas with moles, scars or stretchto protect from light.health care provider. If you miss a monthly injection, give it as soon as possible without waiting until the next scheduled dose. After marks. Do not freeze KESIMPTA.If needed, KESIMPTA may be stored for up to 7 days atroom temperature, up to 86F (30C).that, give your KESIMPTA injections Do not shake KESIMPTA.The initial dosing is 20 mg of KESIMPTA given by a month apart.subcutaneous injection at Weeks 0, 1, and 2. There is no Write the date taken out of the refrigerator in the space Keep KESIMPTA and all medicines out of the reach of children. injection at Week 3. Starting at Week 4 and then everyprovided on the carton.What are the possible side effects of KESIMPTA? General information about the safe and effective use of month, the recommended dose is 20 mg of KESIMPTA If stored below 86F (30C), unused KESIMPTA may be KESIMPTA may cause serious side effects, including:KESIMPTA.administered by subcutaneous injection. returned to the refrigerator and must be used within the See What is the most important information I should knowMedicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than If you miss an injection of KESIMPTA at Week 0, 1, or 2, talknext 7 days. If this KESIMPTA is not used within those 7 about KESIMPTA? those listed in a Medication Guide. Do not use KESIMPTA for a to your health care provider. If you miss a monthly injection,days, then discard the medicine. I condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give KESIMPTA give it as soon as possible without waiting until the next njection-related reactions. Injection-related reactions areDo not freeze KESIMPTA.scheduled dose. After that, give your KESIMPTA injections to other people, even if they have the same symptoms that you a common side effect of KESIMPTA. Injecting KESIMPTA can a month apart.have. It may harm them.cause injection-related reactions that can happen withinDo not shake KESIMPTA.24 hours (1 day) following the first injections and with laterYou can ask your pharmacist or health care provider for What are the possible side effects of KESIMPTA? Keep KESIMPTA and all medicines out of the reach of injections. There are two kinds of reactions: information about KESIMPTA that is written for health children. KESIMPTA may cause serious side effects, including:professionals.oat or near the injection site: redness of the skin, swelling,General information about the safe and effective use of See What is the most important information I should itching and pain. Talk with your health care provider if youWhat are the ingredients in KESIMPTA?know about KESIMPTA? KESIMPTA.have any of these signs or symptoms.Active ingredient: ofatumumabMedicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication Guide. Do not use I Inactive ingredients: Sensoready pen and prefilled syringe:njection-related reactions. Injection-related reactions are othat may happen when certain substances are released a common side effect of KESIMPTA. Injecting KESIMPTA in your body: fever, headache, pain in the muscles, chills,KESIMPTA for a condition for which it was not prescribed. can cause injection-related reactions that can happenarginine, disodium edetate, polysorbate 80, tiredness, rash, hives, trouble breathing, swelling of the face,Do not give KESIMPTA to other people, even if they have within 24 hours (1 day) following the first injections and withsodium acetate trihydrate, sodium chloride, and Water for eyelids, lips, mouth, tongue and throat, and feeling faint,the same symptoms that you have. It may harm them.later injections. There are two kinds of reactions: Injection. Hydrochloric acid may be added. or chest tightness. Contact your health care provider right away if you experience any of these signs and symptoms,You can ask your pharmacist or health care provider for at or near the injection site: redness of the skin, especially if they become worse or you have new severeinformation about KESIMPTA that is written for health swelling, itching and pain. Talk with your health care signs of reactions after subsequent injections. It could be aprofessionals.provider if you have any of these signs or symptoms.sign of an allergic reaction, which can be serious. What are the ingredients in KESIMPTA?that may happen when certain substances areLow immunoglobulins. KESIMPTA may cause a decrease inActive ingredient: ofatumumabreleased in your body: fever, headache, pain in the some types of antibodies. Your health care provider will do muscles, chills, tiredness, rash, hives, trouble breathing,Inactive ingredients: Sensoready pen and prefilled blood tests to check your blood immunoglobulin levels.swelling of the face, eyelids, lips, mouth, tongue andsyringe: arginine, disodium edetate, polysorbate 80, throat, and feeling faint, or chest tightness. Contactsodium acetate trihydrate, sodium chloride, and Water for your health care provider right away if you experienceInjection. Hydrochloric acid may be added.any of these signs or symptoms, especially if they'