b"Caregivers CornerSam LombardoNominated by Catherine LombardoWashington, Pa.I have a great caregiver, my husband Sam. He is my full-time caregiver. He gets me ready for the day. Then, he uses a Hoyer lift to transfer me in and out of bed. He prepares my breakfast, lunch, and dinner seven days a week. He takes me on outings and to my doctors appointments. He also does the grocery shopping and keeps the house in shape. In addition, he works a part-time job, eight hours a week. If Im selected for the caregivers contest, it would be wonderful to have an evening out. Eden Vaughn Nominated by Mike Bezark Knoxville, Tenn.There is simply no proper place to begin with the amazing effort in [Eden] being my caregiver and making such a magical difference in my life. I would be hard-pressed to think of a day in my journey that she has not made something positive happen for which I am forever grateful. The thing of it is, while spending so much of her time assisting me, she is just turning 66 years old with numerous health issues of her own. These range from everyone's daily issues to several quite serious, with the most recent being involved in a car crash in which she was rear-ended. Did this slow her effort to care for me? Absolutely not in the slightest. I can't possibly imagine anyone more deserving of this honor. Reba YoungNominated by Andre L. Young Sr.Marietta, Ga.The caregiver in my life is my wife of 38 years. We met shortly after I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She came into my life when my mother was dying of cancer. My father coped; the mother of my three children left me with them and never came back. [Reba] is my superwoman. She has helped with my father living with us until COVID-19, and his death in a hospital at 90 years old. [She] raised my four children until they were grown, with 20 grandchildren all loving her to death. She is known as Big Momma. My blended family exists because of her. msfocusmagazine.org 30"