b"Amber Streit Nominated by Terri LudwigWarren, Penn.I chose my oldest daughter. What exactly is a caregiver? I feel that she embodies the word. She has a full-time job and three kids. But yet in her busy life, she is there when I need her. If I need some-thing cleaned, like my bathtub, she gets the task done for me. She provides a shoulder to cry on when my MS makes life a challenge. I would like for her to know just how much help she is to me. She isashininglightinmy worldthatgrowsbrighter whenshe smiles. Thanks for considering her. Terry WaltersNominated by Diana RomeroLos AngelesTerry and I met in 2005 during graduate school, when I had been diagnosed with MS but showed no visible symptoms. Five years later, we became roommates, and Terry witnessed the gradual loss of my mobilityfrom limping to using a wheelchair. He has stood bymeevery STABILITY single day for TO GO ANYWHERE! almost 20 years. In 2019, we became life partners, further deepening our bond. Terry takes care of me, both physically and emotionally. He helps with tasks I can't manage alone, ensuring I'm safe and supported. Hes more than a caregiverhes my best friend, protector, and constant source of love and support. COOLING VESTS YOU WANT TO WEAR.Contact Wheeleez, Inc. for Sales/CouponsCall: 707-751-3999 MSF cooling program supplier855-232-723331 msfocusmagazine.org"