b'Caregivers CornerExamining the Subtle Examining the Subtle Symptoms of MSSymptoms of MSIt is important to share changes It is important to share changes with your doctors for management. with your doctors for management. By Nichole GobleOne of the jobs many caregivers take onPain: Does your loved one have chronic is ensuring their loved ones symptoms arepain or unusual sensations in various parts communicated to their doctorswhether they of the body, sometimes being described as are at the appointment with them or not. Thissharp, burning, or aching? task can be tricky when symptoms may notVisionchanges:Hasyourlovedone be obvious. experienced blurred vision, or lost vision in Subtle symptoms of multiple sclerosis mayone eye? be present in the early stages of the disease.Emotional changes: Have you noticed They can be easy to overlook or even bechanges in your loved ones mood (i.e., associated with other conditions. So, what aredepression, anxiety, irritability, or mood the subtle symptoms of MS that you canswings)? look for? Difficulties with balance or coordination:These symptoms may look different from Does your loved one sometimes feel unsteady?person to person. It is important that, once Do they have difficulty with coordination ornoticed,yousharewithyourlovedones walking in a straight line?healthcare team to begin management and Tingling or numb sensations: Does yourso any additional testing can occur as needed. loved one sometimes experience a pins andBe prepared to answer the following questions needle sensation, or numbness, particularlywhen discussing these symptoms: in their face or limbs?When was it rst noticed; when did it begin? Weakness of muscles: Does yourloved How often does it occur? one sometimes need assistance with daily What does it look like when it occurs? tasks because of weakness in the arms or legs? Do you notice any triggers for the symptom? Fatigue and exhaustion: Does your loved Has the symptom changed at all since rst one consistently feel exhausted regardless ofnoticed (e.g., worsened or gotten better)? getting proper rest?It can be helpful to keep a journal to track Cognitive changes: Is it difficult for your lovedsymptoms and keep it with your loved ones one to focus? Do they experience moments ofother medical documents, which you should confusion or forgetfulness? have on hand at medical appointments (such Sensitivity to heat: Does your loved oneas your loved ones medication list). Our time get overheated easily? Does this worsen inwith doctors during appointments can be hotter weather?incredibly quick, so it might be worth having a Speech difficulties: Has your loved onecopy of noted symptoms to share with the sometimes slurred their speech?doctor so nothing gets lost in the conversation. msfocusmagazine.org 12 msfocusmagazine.org'