b'What are some of the subtle or invisible symptoms of MS that impact your daily life?@_kristamariee - I have a ton of tension in my shoulders and neck and highly relate mine to that and the blood ow that gets to my head. I thought I was having double vision, but it was my blood pressure because my blood ow wasnt getting to my head fast enough or consistently. I will say compression socks and salt has helped me and I can tell because I stopped for awhile and theres a difference. @meglizblk - For me, its the fatigue, brain fog, pain in my legs and vision issues. But another thing that has been difficult for me since my diagnosis is the loss of so many aspects of my life. I work in a high-needs job serving others, and now I also have to prioritize myself. Thats a good thing, but my job doesnt allow me to do that like I should. Its a very difficult part of this horrible disease where you slowly lose the ability to control parts of your life and body. The emotional side of that is heavy. Mary Solano - Train of thought, remembering what you were saying next. Or parking in handicap and having people literally "curse you out" because I don\'t have a wheelchair or didn\'t carry my cane that day, because sometimes I just want to "feel normal" without the reminders of a cane/walker/wheelchair.@radchic79 - Sensory overload (mom to 2 toddlers), tinnitus, fatigue, brain fog, ghost itch, heat intolerance, restless legs, MS Hug, comprehension/cognitive issues, difficulty swallowing, wobbly/weak legs, pins and needles sensations, constant body aches, and anxiety. Christie Claywell - Cognitive issues, I find it so hard, frustrating, and almost embarrassing to be in conversation with someone and not be able to speak the words that I want to say. I feel so incompetent and uneducated. @katkeniu - Issues waking up mid-night and not able to fall asleep - no matter how much I plan to get up early, my night is unpredictable, my body always has to catch up on the lost sleep:Also fatigue from heat, fuzzy head, pins&needles spasmatic leg, neuropathic pain, loosing socks on the drop-foot. @aboutamyandms - Debilitating fatigue, visual-spatial processing difficulties, fatigable weakness/limited endurance, and at times brain fog and word-nding difficulties, also sensory overload (noisy, crowded environments are so hard now to navigate or function in), paresthesia, weakness, limited coordination, difficulty carrying much of anything while I walk, difficulty tracking conversations if there\'s much background noise, and more.Increase Your Impactand Save!The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation has an exciting new way of saying thanks to our sustaining donors msfocus.org/donate43 msfocusmagazine.org'