b'Symptom Managementscore is 200. Scores of 200-170 are rated aswith your healthcare provider. no abnormality; 169-149, mild abnormality;Changes in swallowing linked to MS 148-141, moderate abnormality; and scorearenotuncommonandsymptomsare equal or less then 140, as severe.often overlooked, misunderstood, or notEAT-10: The Eating Assessment Tool is aproperly identied on MS rating scales. The patient-reported outcome measure that isconsequences to dysphagia are serious, and self-administered, or clinician-facilitated,even life-threatening. Thus, it is important for for symptoms linked to dysphagia. It consistsall people with MS to have open, frequent, and of 10 statements that a patient rates on atransparent dialogues with their healthcare scale of 0-4with 0 equaling no problem to 4 equaling severe problem. A score of 3 orprofessionalsconcerningdysphagiaand more is abnormal and warrants a discussionswallowing safety.What are some of the subtle or invisible symptoms of MS that impact your daily life?Some Things MS - As I have aged, my MS symptoms have become more prevalent when I get the slightest cold. Michael Archer - When my body temp gets high, I lose vision. I call it "white out," because everything is white and shadowy. I manage this by doing my outside activities in the mornings or evenings. If I must do hard work in the heat of the day (I live in central Florida), I wear my cooling vest. It\'s heavy, but totally worth the money. Katelyn G. - The cognitive shift. As someone who was labeled a walking book of lyrics, this past year Ive noticed so many songs from my childhood and early teens that play, I cant remember words to. It sounds so silly, but as a singer, it feels like yet another simple joy is being taken from me. Sra Timpleton - Constant pain. People dont understand that when you are in pain you cant even think properly. Denise Brandies Roerig- Fatigue and sensory issues (tingling/aching/numbness). People say yeah Im tired too. But I just dont think its the same. Nicolas W. Overton - Denitely the cognitive decline, heat intolerance, pain, bladder, and bowel issues. @808doll - Feeling strangely disconnected from my body and having to concentrate on my surroundings. Its very disorienting and scary. Heather Bartlett - Numb lips, that the pain is absolutely constant. Hand weakness, temperature intolerance, weak teeth, tingling randomly like bugs are on you. @cookie_sukkie - Wow, Ive felt this before but never had the words to describe it. Its very hard to not have that affect your everyday life and relationships.@jenna_I_mac - Peeing myself on a daily basis. msfocusmagazine.org 18'