b'IDetecting Early Signals 6 Recognizing the subtle symptoms.Confronting Cognitive Challenges 8NUnderstanding, screening for, and addressing changes can help you retain control.10Effectively Managing Changes with Your MS SymptomsTChanges in symptoms, while challenging, can be managed.12 Examining the Subtle Symptoms of MSIt is important to share changes with your doctors for management.HDysphagia and MS 16The overt and subtle symptoms of swallowing dysfunction.IHow a Child Life Specialist can Assist Children 20 with Pediatric MSThey serve as advocates for needs of the families and the patient Swith the rest of the medical team.22Bridging the Gap Between Here and ThereHow the Transportation Assistance Grant can help.Caregivers Night Out Winners 28 I2024 Winners.32 Hispanic Heritage MonthSHow MS Focus celebrated. Takeaways36 My Story 14 SMS Focused 33Giving Back 41 Empowered 34Ask the MS Nurse 43 Spotlight 38Doctors Notes 45UG GiivviinnggiinntthheePPaallmmooffYYoouurrHHaannddE MS Focus makes giving as easy as sending a text message.Text MSFocus to 501553 msfocusmagazine.org'