b'However, there are more subtle signs you orspeech-language pathologist will help determine your loved one with MS may have dysphagiathe nature and severity of dysphagia. Its that are often overlooked or misunderstood.importanttospeakwithyourhealthcare If you or someone you know has any of theseteam if you think you may benet from a issues, this may mean you have dysphagia,dysphagia evaluation.and it is advised you speak with your healthcareUnder-referral to speech-language pathologists provider.for the treatment of swallowing dysfunction This list includes, but is not limited to:is not uncommon. Because patients often doFrequent throat clearing while eatingnot identify the symptoms, many healthcare or drinking providers dont always recognize the importanceDrooling or difficulty controlling saliva of early assessment and intervention. ManySounding gurgled or wet breathing aftercommonly used MS severity rating scales are eating or drinkingnot sensitive to swallowing. Frequent heartburn and the need to useSwallowing skills can be evaluated using a antacidsvariety of tests, including: Unexplained and undesired weight loss FiberopticendoscopicevaluationofAvoiding certain foods or simplifying yourswallowing:Asmallexibleendoscope food choiceswith a camera and light attached is passed through the nose and into the throat toDifficulty starting the swallow and gettingexamine the swallowing process. This test goingcan show how the swallowing mechanism Dysphagia, whether overt or subtle, is aresponds to different foods.serious medical issue that can cause dehydration Videouoroscopicswallowingstudyor (not getting enough uids, such as water),modied barium swallow study: This test malnutrition (poor, imbalanced diet), confusion,uses different foods coated in barium to chronic lung disease, change in medical status,examine the movement of bolus (a ball of food increased hospital stays, diminished qualityor liquid) through the oral cavity, pharynx, of life, and a serious medical consequenceand cervical esophagus.calledaspirationpneumonia. Thistypeof Dysphagia in MS questionnaire: The 10-item pneumonia occurs when food and liquids goDYMUS questionnaire is a self-administered, down the wrong pipe and end up in the lungsor clinician-facilitated tool, used to identify instead of the stomach. Aspiration pneumoniaswallowingproblemsinadultswithMS. is a leading cause of death in some medicalThe tool is used to enhance personalized conditions.assessment and guide management decisions Ever since disease-modifying therapy forfor people with MS with dysphagia.MS developed in the form of a pill, with many Mann assessment of swallowing ability: more coming to market, people with MS now,This clinician-administered assessment more than ever, need to monitor their swallowingmeasures 24 different areas to gauge an safety skills. Speech-language pathologistsindividuals swallowing ability to make are licensed healthcare professionals trainedpersonalized recommendations. This test in the evaluation and treatment of swallowinguses a ve-point to 10-point rating scale to disorders. A comprehensive evaluation by ameasure aspiration risk. The highest possible 17 msfocusmagazine.org'