b'MS Focus ActivitiesBridging the Gap Bridging the Gap Between Here and ThereBetween Here and ThereHow the Transportation Assistance How the Transportation Assistance Grant can help. Grant can help. By Aron FyneLiving with MS comes with a unique set ofRecognizing these limitations, MS Focus challenges, and one of the most critical needs forsought alternative solutions. In 2019, they managing this chronic illness is accessibility tolaunched a pilot program in partnership with reliable transportation. MS Focus: the Multiplerideshare companies, such as Lyft and Uber. Sclerosis Foundation has long understoodThe success of this initiative led to it becoming the importance of mobility, especially whena permanent xture, and it continues to thrive, attending necessary medical appointments.offeringgreaterexibilityandaccessto To address this, MS Focus established thetransportation to neurologists and infusions Transportation Assistance Grant, this programfor individuals with MS. offers a lifeline to people living with MS, helpingAn effective partnershipthem to stay on top of their medical care andThe Transportation Assistance Grant covers maintain their independence.up to 12 one-way trips or a maximum of $500 A program rooted in compassionper applicant, whichever comes rst. However, and innovationcosts may vary depending on location, time of The Transportation AssistanceGrantday, and trip length, with rideshares being more originated from the MS Focus Assistiveexpensive in some cities, especially during peak Technology Program. The program has sincehours. As a result, some clients may reach the expanded into a multifaceted initiative,$500 limit before completing 12 one-way trips. incorporating rideshare services to enhanceTo qualify for the rideshare service, applicants transportation accessibility for the MSmust have a cell phone capable of receiving community.and sending text messages, and their mobility Paratransit services have long been aaids must t in a standard vehicle trunk. Some dependable option for many. The Foundationcitiesofferwheelchair-accessiblevehicles understands and provides assistance with thisthrough Uber, though availability varies by need by offering nancial assistance to thoselocation. Caregivers are welcome to accompany who qualify. These services are available intheir loved ones on these rides, providing most major cities worldwide and are designedadditional peace of mind. to accommodate powerchair and scooter users.Krystal, a program participant from Tucson, However, one limitation of paratransit servicesAriz., said the grant has been a godsend. I is that clients can only travel within their county,no longer have to worry about nding a ride which can be a challenge for those needing toor feeling guilty about asking for help. I feel cross county lines to visit neurologists or accessmore independent and Im very thankful to specialized care.MS Focus, she said. msfocusmagazine.org 22'