b"Life with MSDDeetteeccttiinnggEEaarrllyySSiiggnnaallssRReeccooggnniizziinnggtthheessuubbttlleessyymmppttoommssaatttthheeoonnsseettooffMMSSBy Jaitrali JhanjharyaNoticing the early signs of MS can be trickyby nerve damage and can come and go without because symptoms might seem small or easyanyclearreason.Ifyounoticepersistent to ignore. But paying attention to these earlynumbness or tingling, especially in one area hints can help you get the right care faster.of your body, its worth bringing up with your One of the common early symptoms of MS isdoctor. fatigue. Fatigue can be confused since it is aVision problems: Vision problems, such qualitative symptom, rather than quantitative.as blurred vision, double vision, or loss of Recognizing signs early on can help you receivevision in one eye, can be among the first the care and support you need. It can also helpnoticeable symptoms of MS. This happens with discussing which DMT is the best for youbecause of optic nerve inammation, known early on. All of this may help make living withas optic neuritis. Sudden changes in vision MS a bit easier. Lets go through some of theshould not be ignored and warrant a visit to early and subtle symptoms to look for whena healthcare professional. determining if you need to schedule anBalance and coordination issues: Feeling appointment with your healthcare team.unsteady or experiencing balance problems Early symptoms to watch for can also be early signs of MS. You might Early symptoms of MS can be misleadingnotice youretrippingmoreoftenorfeel becausetheymightseemlikeminorunsteady on your feet. Unexplained balance inconveniences rather than signs of a seriousissues or frequent falls should be checked condition.Belowaresomecommonearlywith your healthcare team as they might symptoms you should be aware of.indicate MS. Unexplainedfatigue:OneofthemostCognitive changes: MS can affect your common early symptoms of MS is fatigue.cognitivefunctions,leadingtomemory, This isn't your typical tiredness after a longconcentration, and problem-solving issues. day but a profound sense of exhaustion thatThese subtle changes are sometimes mistaken wont go away with rest. It can make everydayfor normal aging or stress. If you or others tasksfeellikemonumentalchallenges.around you notice unusual cognitive changes, Persistent, unexplained fatigue could be anit's important to seek medical advice. early warning sign of MS.Other CuesNumbnessandtingling:Experiencing numbness or a tingling sensation in your face,In addition to early common symptoms, arms,legs,orngersisanotherpotentialother subtle signs that might suggest the onset early sign of MS. These sensations are causedof MS. msfocusmagazine.org 6"