b'Health Center of the Rockiesdedicated tocommunity. In approaching treatment presently, enlightening and empowering individuals tohe notes that diagnosis stereotypes are dissolving. attain maximal well-being. Creating this isAlthough MS was once considered a disease arguably my greatest professional achievement,"among Caucasian, middle-aged individuals, he said. Dr. Miravalle said professionals and patients Humbling acclaim alike know better today.In addition to MS, the organization provides"While symptoms are similar, every person personalized education and events on nutrition,has a different experience. Instead of being exercise, pain and migraine management, andbiased, we should pay attention to their back-dementia prevention, to name a few. BHCRground to tailor the type of care we provide alsoofferswellnesscoaching,freeonlinebased on their preferences. We should all be NMOSD/MOGAD education and physical andfamiliar with cultural humility, starting with music therapy programs. "As I mentionedawareness, communication, and understanding. before, music\'s always been a big part of myIn exercising this, stigma and perception of life, and I love how we are discovering theillness change, and we gain their trust, which, profundity of its impact on the brain. Music isin some communities, have been previously akin to a mental workout, regardless of agebroken," he said.or condition. As an advocate for the art formContinuous data collectionand brain wellness, I hope I am in a position toDr. Miravalle describes his approach to continue fostering these passions," he said.care as collaborative, as seen in his work at Sinceitsinception,BHCRhasofferedthe Brain Health Center of the Rockies and as more than 2,000 patients with educationalthe division chief of MS at Rush University programs. It is the only organization withinMedical Center, in Chicago. "It really is a team the country chosen as a nalist in the Brainapproach in that we have other neurologists Health Awards for the Patient Organizationand nurse practitioners with MS-and lifetime category in 2022; Dr. Miravalle said the ac- intervention training; we also work with claim received is humbling. "In such a shorteducation managers to provide portfolios and time, we have reached many milestones. Co- interventions to our patients depending on incidentally, MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosistheir needs, and a clinical research coordinator Foundation gave BHCR its rst grant, whichto collect outcomes. So, in practice, patients get enabled us to launch our rst program. Andan interview with a neurologist, and we take to think, my wife and I envisioned the idea incare of everything from the diagnosis to the our kitchen. While we now collaborate withmanagement of pharmacological interventions several organizations, I\'ll always be gratefuland, of course, screening.to MS Focus for allowing us the opportunityHowever, patients can also access personalized to build a nonprot," he said.Dissolving stereotypes data anywhere from reporter outcomes. We measure fatigue, questionnaires, anxiety, Since 2020, Dr. Miravalle has regularlydepression, processing speed, and cognitive been a panelist for educational webinars forfunction, integrating all of that into a clinic the Foundation on topics such as enhancingfor lifetime interventions. Individuals have brainreserve,multidisciplinarycare,andaccess to personalized nutritional strategies, conveyingawarenessofMSintheLatinoexercise, and symptom management. On top 39 msfocusmagazine.org'