b'I comically answered, Too bad Im not a mouse. Then I reluctantly mentioned my apprehension tosucharemedy.Hetoldmetotakethe medication now and we could talk later. Well,SOLUTIONS FORlater turned into years. And years of steroidCOOLING EVERY BODY!therapy gave me a cluster of weak bones and a case of osteoporosis. Rich from loveAfter that experience I knew I had to face myfearsandchangemyphysician.So,I bagged up my tears and turned my pain into words. Now, I try to always boldly speak my mind. I learned each doctor visit is a chance to advocate for myself. I began living with less reservations, all the while still worrying about hospital visits, copays, and prescription costs. This is why I would probably be in debt for the rest of my life. But I also knew Ill always be rich from the love of my family and friends.Fortunately, Im inspired by the genuine affection I receive from people. It inuencesDont let your MS heat-sensivity keep my decisions. Shapes my judgment. Directingyou from enjoying life to the fullest.me to get busy lifting weights in my mind.Polar Products oers many comfortable Sittinginthedoctorsofficevisualizingaand stylish opons to keep you cool. blissful life.Despite my bleak diagnosis, I still haveI want to thank you for your wonderful strong passions. Now I stand up for myselfproduct. I didnt know what a life saver because I am a ghter. Part of a group thatit would be. Up unl now I only used one silently struggles with heartache. Praying theduring extremely hot weather. But my MS symptoms will take a day off. Dreaming of ahas advanced to the point where I now need cure with no side-effects attached. Being ait almost every day, regardless of how hot it warrior by ripping the cellophane from myis. It cools my body and the ice packs last 5-6 face so I can speak my desires by advocatinghours! Not to menon how fashionable it is. for myself.Thank you again for this wonderful gi. On the web - Laurel in CaliforniaWebsite: My New Normals mynewnormals.comSee our complete product line atFacebook: My New Normals polarproducts.com|800.763.8423facebook.com/mynewnormal Instagram: My New NormalsPROUD SUPPLIER FOR THEinstagram.com/mynewnormalsMS FOCUS COOLING PROGRAM15 msfocusmagazine.org'