b'On the West Coast, Amber, from Inglewood,The Transportation Assistance Grant Calif., also benets from the service. As asignicantly reduces the stress involved with single woman dealing with MS, its stressfuldriving and parking, Jane said. "Even if someone to gure out how to get to my appointments,is comfortable behind the wheel, MS can make especially since I cant drive due to one of mywalking from a parking area to an appointment symptoms. After my infusions, Im extremelychallenging. The rideshare option removes weak,buttheFoundationstransportationthat burden, allowing clients to focus on their servicetakesthestressoutoftraveling.Ihealth rather than logistics." know Ill get home safely.Jane emphasizes the program isnt limited Enhancing independence,to rideshare services. MS Focus also offers access to care assistance with paratransit servicesChristine Dumoulin, of Cincinnati, a long- Jane adds that while the program has seen time user of the Transportation Assistance Grant,great success, there are still challenges, particularly knows rsthand the effect of reliable transportationin rural areas. In some cases, we struggle to nd canhaveonmaintainingindependence.drivers for clients who live over 50 miles away "Having to depend solely on friends and familyfrom their destination. There have been instances was a huge burden for me," Christine explains.where a client made it to their appointment "Before receiving the grant, I never knew if abut had trouble getting home. In those cases, driver would be on time or show up at all. Theweve had to scramble to find alternative stress and unpredictability made it difficult tosolutions, like taxis, which can become costly. plan appointments. But thanks to this program,Want to Applythat worry has disappeared."The application process for the Transportation Christine highlights the ease and reliabilityAssistanceGranthasbeendesignedwith of the rideshare service: "The MS Focus programsimplicity in mind. Applicants must submit has made me less fearful and anxious aboutproof of their MS diagnosis and demonstrate setting up appointments. I know Ill get theretheir ability to enter and exit a vehicle safely, and back; that sense of security is invaluable."either independently or with a caregiver. For Evolving the programthose of us with tremors in our dominant writing to meet diverse needs hand, having the application online is a blessing, Jane Zangerle-White, a support servicesChristine said. It was easy to complete, and coordinator at MS Focus, oversees the programthe wait time for acceptance was minimal. and ensures it meets the needs of the MSTo apply, visit the MS Focus website and community. According to Jane, the programnavigate to the Grants and Programs section has grown rapidly from its early days in Floridaunder the Get Help tab. Applications can also to being available nationwide. The inclusion ofbe submitted via email, mail, or fax. For more rideshare services has proven to be a game-information, contact the MS Focus team at changer for many.transportation@msfocus.org.With Support from:23 msfocusmagazine.org'