b'GGiivviinnggBBaacckk::BBiiggFFuunnddrraaiisseerrHHaassSSmmaallllBBeeggiinnniinnggssnNew Jersey raffle has raised nearly $115,000 in seven years.By Traci CerasMy name is Traci Ceras and this year Igood and bad days. But I love that it keeps me hosted my seventh annual MS Basket Rafflebusy, and I meet such nice people who alsoFundraiser on Aug. 24, in Milltown, N.J.love to support this cause. It always seems What inspired you to help people with MS? that someone who donates knows somebody A few years ago, I had a sewer back-up, andelse with MS, so it is just as meaningful of a my motor scooter was ruined. Financially, Icause to them as it is to me. could not afford to replace it, and I reached outWhat advice would you give to othersto MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.who are trying to give back?They gave me a grant to get a new one. I knewStart small, as every little bit helps, and I could never repay the money back then, Idont be afraid to ask. You never realize how decided to do a small fundraiser to give backmany people are affected by MS until you after I received the help. Thats when it all started,start meeting new people and talking about and my fundraising journey began. After thethe cause you are fundraising for. rst year, I raised $12,000. I was shocked.What did you learn from doing this And it felt so good giving back that I just keptand what are your future goals? doing it from there on. Aug. 24 of this yearI have learned during these past seven was my seventh year of doing a Tricky Trayyears that so many people are affected by MS, Fundraiser and I raised $16,000. My total for the seven years now is about $115,000.and people love to support and give back to How did your plan to give back work? this cause. I am now working on my eighth I have seen many organizations fundraiseannual MS Basket Raffle (starting only days through basket raffles. I started with a smallafter I nished this years event). I cannot tell you Milltown day basket raffle. Little did I knowhow exciting and rewarding these fundraisers the support I could receive just by going tofeel when I see everyone come to the event businesses. After doing this for many years, Iknowing they are there to support me and have developed relationships with businessesmaybe even their loved ones affected by MS. that support me every year and I cannot thankI started this out on my own and cannot them enough.believethetremendoussupportofallmy What was the most challenging partfamily and friends. They help me every year of this project?onthisday,andIcannotdothiswithout This event is a long process, and I must startthem. This is the second year of my moms about a year in advance. The most challengingpassing; she was always one of my biggest part of this event is to nd sponsors willing tosupporters.donate money so I may purchase the prizes IIf anyone would like information on how raffle off, traveling to different towns to dropI started this or would like to support my next off donation letters, and then driving back toevent, you are more than welcome to contact pick up a donation. With my MS, it is veryme at puddles027@aol.com. challenging to manage this while having my 41 msfocusmagazine.org'