b'Medicine & Researchmeasured by Modied Fatigue Impact Scaledecit hyperactivity disorder and its symptoms and Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Modanil alsoin people with MS is understudied. A team led demonstrated a greater risk of precipitatingby researchers at the Department of Clinical adverse events (e.g., insomnia, gastrointestinalPharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of symptoms) when compared with placebo. InPharmacy, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, quality-of-life assessments, modanil was linkedaimed to answer two questions: are people to overall improvement in well-being. The datawithMSmorelikelytoexperiencehigher suggests modanil confers a therapeutic benetADHD symptoms versus healthy subjects? when treating fatigue in patients with MS andAnd what are the correlates of severe ADHD improves overall quality of life. However, there issymptoms in people with MS? Researchers a risk of precipitating adverse events. Ultimately,found people with MS were at a signicantly higher quality of evidence may be required tohigherrisktoreportgreater ADHDscores better inform clinical management. The resultsversus controls. In addition, people with MS were published in the journal Brain and Behavior.with relapses in the past six months and people Thrower -Fatigue is one of the most commonwithMSreportingsmartphoneaddiction and bothersome symptoms seen in those livingwere at a signicantly higher risk for severe with MS. Fatigue may be a primary symptomADHD, respectively. In conclusion, diagnosis of MS (lassitude) or could be due to other factors.with MS in the study was identied as a risk for Disrupted sleep, medications, and other healthhigher ADHD symptoms. The ndings were conditions may also contribute to fatigue. Despitepublished in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. fatigue being a signicant issue in MS, thereUnexpected low rate of amyloid- is no FDA-approved therapy to help managepathology in people with MS lassitude. That doesnt mean we dont try various therapies. Amantadine, stimulant medicationsResearchers at the Department of Neurology, (such as Ritalin and Adderall), and modanil/Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, armodanil are all used to manage MS-relatedM.O.hypothesizedthat Alzheimerdisease fatigue. Some studies have suggested none ofpathology is uncommon in MS patients. In these medications are effective. Those studies100 MS patients, the rate of amyloid- plasma seem to fly in the face of the real-worldbiomarker positivity was nearly half the rate experienceofthoselivingwithMSorthewhen compared to the 300 non-MS controls healthcare providers who serve them. Thismatched on age, sex, apolipoprotein E prototype, meta-analysis pooled data from seven priorand cognitive status. Interestingly, most MS studies to look at the effect of modanil onpatients who did have amyloid- pathology had MS-related fatigue. The conclusion was thatfeatures atypical for MS at diagnosis. These modanil did improve the quality of life reportedresults support that MS is linked to reduced by test subjects compared to the placebo. AsAlzheimer disease risk and suggest new withanytherapy,thebenetsmustbeavenues of research. The results were published weighed against the risks. Some modanilin the Annals of Neurology. users reported insomnia and gastrointestinal side effects. Thrower- Heres some possible good news Study examines ADHD symptomsfor people living with MS. Alzheimers disease in adults diagnosed with MSrisk could be reduced in MS. Cognitive dysfunction is common in MS and many The relationship between adult attention- living with MS worry this could represent msfocusmagazine.org 46'