b"Medicine & ResearchSSlleeeeppIIssssuueessaannddMMuullttiipplleeSScclleerroossiiss::AAPPhhaarrmmaacciisstt''ssPPeerrssppeeccttiivveeBy Adrienne DeBerrySleep is an integral part of our well-beingphases play a key role in maintaining good that can sometimes be overlooked. Issuesphysical and cognitive functions, including with sleep affect up to 68 percent of peoplememory and emotional regulation.with multiple sclerosis compared to 40 percentMost of the time we spend sleeping is in of people in the general population. PoorNREM sleep, which further separates into three sleep quality can lead to impaired cognitivedifferent stages. Stage 3 NREM represents the performance, especially in patients who maydeepestsleep, withbrain wavesbeingthe already be experiencing negative cognitiveslowest during this stage. To feel well-rested symptoms because of MS. upon awakening, you need adequate stage 3 MS-associated fatigue, comorbid sleepNREM sleep. disorders,certaindisease-modifyingREM sleep is the phase where your brain medications,chronicpain,andspasticityis most active while sleeping. It is also the have all been investigated as contributingphase where people dream. Your brain activity factors to poor sleep among MS patients. Sleepduring REM sleep is similar to brain activity disturbances and obstructive sleep apnea arethat happens while you are awake. linked to decreased visual memory, reducedCommon factors interfering attention, and impaired processing speed inwith sleep in MS patientspatients with MS. To improve sleep quality, weSeveral factors unique to MS can affect must rst understand the sleep cycle, factorssleep quality: that disrupt sleep, available treatment options,1. Painanddiscomfort:Neuropathicpain and tips on maintaining good sleep hygiene.and muscle spasms can make falling and Understanding the sleep cycle staying asleep challenging. Sleep can be complex and includes two2. Bladder dysfunction: MS often leads to primaryphases:nonrapideyemovementbladder problems, resulting in frequent and rapid eye movement sleep. Both sleepnighttime awakenings to use the bathroom. msfocusmagazine.org 10"