b'Symptom ManagementPPuuttttiinnggtthheeHHoorrsseeB re the Cartt Beeffoore the CarEEqquuiinneeaassssiisstteeddtthheerraappyyaannddMMSSBy Christopher Hudspeth Long before planes, trains, and automobiles,from the Greek word, hippos meaning horse the world traveled by horse. Horses have(or equine), and roughly translates as treatment played many roles throughout history: inwith the help of the horse. Hippotherapy is mythology for their majesty and steadfastness;not a separate type of therapy. Patients are during wartime for their strength, endurance,receiving occupational, physical, or speech and stamina; and in victory for their grace,therapy (depending on the licensed professional temperament, and magnicence. who they are seen by). They are working on Our friend, Equus caballas, comes in manyfunctional therapy goals, not horseback riding shapes and sizesfrom Shetland ponies youskills. The outcome measure for the patient is might see at a petting zoo to draft horses thata change in functional independence across were used for logging and hauling ice uphillenvironments. Clients who receive occupational during winter. However, one of the commontherapy, physical therapy, or speech-language traits of many horses is the way they processpathology services must demonstrate medical emotion. Think therapy dog, but the size of anecessitytherapy is not a recreational activity. cow. Dog cows, if you will.Start with groundwork, like brushing and Therapy skills, not horseback riding grooming, to form a connection with your Equine-assisted activities and therapieshorse, said Shari Gliedman-Baker, program came to North America in the 1960s, andmanager OT, PT, and SLP at High Horses therapeutic riding centers started popping upTherapeutic Riding Program, a nonprofit in around the U.S. Horses started to be partneredSharon, Vt. There are many aspects to OT, PT, with physical therapy, and this became knownand SLP, not just riding. Simply greeting or being in the arena with a horse can be benecial. as hippotherapy. After many years of study,Riding is not needed in all cases; however, being determination,andmuckingstalls,theon a horse has many benets for our bodies. Professional Association of TherapeuticThe gait of a horse has a three-dimensional Horsemanship was formed. PATH-certiedmovement that compliments and matches centers can be found throughout the U.S. andthe movements of a human rider.Canada, keeping in mind that not all equineWhen you begin to tack up (put the saddle therapy organizations will be PATH-certiedand girth on) a horse before you ride, that is and offer a variety of differing services. really when you start to connect with your In1992,the AmericanHippotherapyhorse on a deeper level, said Kristine Ozug, Association was formed. According to AHAsan experienced therapy rider with MS from website, Hippotherapy refers to equineGeorgia. Making sure a good relationship is movement (the movement of the horse) as aestablished is key to have in place before riding. treatment tool within occupational therapy,Horses have great memories, once they meet physical therapy, or speech-language pathologyyou and you meet them, they remember who treatment. The term hippotherapy originatesyou are the next time you are together. msfocusmagazine.org 44'