b"IGet the Vital Shut-eye You Need 6 Sleep helps regulate metabolic functions, and clean and repair damage done during your day. Healthy Habits Key to Restful Sleep 8 NFocus on turning down noise of mind, body, and environment.Sleep Issues and Multiple Sclerosis: 10A Pharmacist's PerspectiveIssues with sleep affect up to 68 percent of people with MS. TSleep Disorders and Chronic MS Symptoms 14Common problems can include fatigue, restless legs syndrome.My Five Ways to Figuratively Master Your MS 18HKey takeaways from graduate school to help manage your disease.20Technology Can Help Improve Your Sleep HygieneWebsites, tracking devices can help.ICaregivers Night Out Contest 22 S2023 Winners 32Celebrating Hispanic Heritage MonthMS Focus puts the spotlight on the Hispanic community. 42Factors Affecting Your Sleep IHow foods and environment play a role. 44Putting the Horse Before the CartEquine-assisted therapy and MS.SMy Story 46 Our Focus 5 MS Focused 31Giving Back 48 STakeaways 34Ask the MS Nurse 50 Upcoming Programs 35Doctors Notes 52 Empowered 36 Spotlight 38MS Focus Game Answer55UGGiivviinnggMMaaddeeEEaassyyE MS Focus is embracing technology and making giving even easier. To make a donation today: Text MSFocus to 50155.3 msfocusmagazine.org"