b'MS Focus ActivitiesAlma HenryOn Oct. 3, the MS Focus family lost our long-time friend, Alma Henry, to cancer. She was 66 years old. Alma began her career with the organization in 2004 working as a support services coordinator. For six years, she helped countless clients access the Foundations many programs and services. In 2010, Alma took on a new challenge, leading the Foundations Complementary and Alternative Medicine Program. This program provided information about CAM, as well as, a limited number of classes in CAM modalities, such as yoga and hippotherapy. Alma recognized the need for greater access to a variety of programs that would improve the quality of life for people with MS and in 2015, the program was re-envisioned as the Health and Wellness Program with Alma as the program coordinator.Under Almas leadership, the program expanded to include classes in a wide variety of health and wellness options, including chair yoga, therapeutic art, adaptive dance, Tai chi, adaptive sports and recreation, aquatherapy, and more. Additionally, Alma recognized the need to provide health and wellness options to clients for whom classes were not available in their area. She launched the Individual Participation Program for health and wellness, helping hundreds of individuals who otherwise would have been unable to participate to improve their quality of life. Alma is remembered for her unique blend of strong opinions with a mild manner and quirky sense of humor. I enjoyed traveling around the country with Alma to host educational programs. She always found humor in unexpected places. I remember once having difficulty navigating my way out of an unfamiliar airport and Alma just cracking up when I ended up driving our rental car onto the grass thanks to the malfunctioning GPS, recalled Kasey Minnis, MS Focus executive director. I expected her to be worried, but she found it hilarious. It really defused a tense moment for me. And somehow I ended up switching the GPS to an Australian accent, which just had us both laughing every time it spoke for the rest of trip. Alma loved visiting family in England and Jamaica, and spending time with her church family. She will be fondly remembered by all who knew her.msfocusmagazine.org 30'