b"Protocol, the type of lights you surroundactivatetheapplicationsthatremovethe yourself with throughout the day, help contributeblue light in the evening. Blue light disrupts to your internal clock. She discusses thethe brains ability to make melatonin and importance of having the right type of lightget your body to sleep at the right time.from when you wake up until you are goingCertain types of light can help to make to sleep. your body feel that it should stay awake versus It is important to wake up and try to beother lights, such as red light, which can signal exposed to 20 minutes of natural light. Theyourbraintofeelrelaxedandallow your natural light, according to Dr. Wahls, canbody to prepare for sleep. If you are unable help signal the biological clock in your brainto fall asleep after eliminating certain foods to make melatonin at the right time. Ourand changing your environment, speak to your internalclocksarewhathelpuskeepahealthcare team about how you can improve schedule during the day and allow us to feelyour quality of sleep. With MS, fatigue can tiredwhenitbecomesdarkout.Duringoccur regardless of sleep quality. But if you are eveningtime, when youarereadytofallsleeping better, it may contribute to lowering asleep, Dr. Wahls advises that you turn offyour constant exhaustion. Getting the right the television, computer, and smartphones anamount and type of sleep is important when hour before you want to sleep. At a minimum,battling an autoimmune disease. If youexperience sleeping disorders due to your MS, what are your key sleep strategies to get a goo d night's rest?Rebecca Kees Listening to TV or music. Sheri BondHonestly, I go to bed with Family Feud, play on my phone till it falls out of my hand. Im such a light sleeper I have to wear myself out. Karen BoconMary J always worksfor many things actually. Harriet BerkeyHalf a RSO gummy does a wonderful job putting me to sleep, but I only get two to three hours at a time. Id love to sleep four hours or more at a time. Andretti DanteI use sleeping sounds like rain, thunder, lightning, and I love it, you can nd them on YouTube. Tressimee GarnerListen to Bible. Susanne McAdoo RoyReading and/or church TV, and Trazadone, baclofen. Sandy FisherO X Y G E N Pat Hooten-McCartyHaven't found the secret yet to a good night's sleep. John RoseberrySending my prayers for all that have a sleep disorder, amen to that.43 msfocusmagazine.org"