b'before I had to get ready for work. It wasfreshman food confessions. But I learned as the best almost 30 minutes of shuteye wea graduate student (and as a person whos ever had. So, when MS fatigue rears itsmore than twice the age of my freshman ugly head throughout the day, I now knowself) that the kinds of food I eat affects my that even if I cant get in a good nap, itconcentration, energy, and overall health. helps to take the time to snag as muchThis all was important to staying on top of sleep as I caneven if its for just a fewmy graduate education. This also holds true minutes. for why the right foods are fundamental to 3. SSttrreettcchhiinnggiissnt limited to baseballsstaying ahead of MS. s inning.Sitting nonstop at the5. Stay connected to your support team.seevveenntthh computer typing a paper, conducting onlineNobody expected me to enroll in graduate research, or reading a class assignment isntschool and just gure it all out on my own. the healthiest of positions. Sure, it worksThats why graduate school has academic forawhile,butpausingtostretchandadvisors to help me sort through my course moveyourmuscleswillworkwonders.requirements, nancial aid assistants to Doing this, whether its while youre studyingnd resources to fund my education, career for grad school or living with MS, will givecounselors to pursue my next professional you the mental and physical breaks youposition,andclassmatestosharepeer need to clear and rejuvenate your mind.support through the day-to-day challenges 4. FFiinnddtthheerriigghhtt foods to use as fuel. Theof class assignments. Each of these people term freshman 15 is common in higherare there to guide my success in earning education to describe the amount of weightmy degree. The same can be said about students gain in the rst year of college. Ieach member of the respective medical was fast in guring that one out my rstteamsuch as a neurologist, primary care year of undergrad at Wartburg. Unlimitedphysician, counselor, physical therapist, delicious food in the cafeteria. Late-nightmassage therapist, and urologistwe each pizza deliveries. Study snack breaks. Ihaveassembledtohelpuscontroland wouldnt change anything about thesemanage our MS and its related symptoms.Our goals are all ours to shape and dene, and our reasons as unique as we are as individuals.19 msfocusmagazine.org'