b'Life with MSTTeecchhnnoollooggyyCCaannHHeellppI mpprroovveeYYoouurrSSlleeeeppImHHyyggiieenneeWWeebbssiitteess,,ttrraacckkiinnggddeevviicceessccaannhheellppBy Joanne FortunatoSleeping is essential to your health and well-being. Common multiple sclerosis symptoms, such as spasticity and cognitive dysfunction, can make sleeping difficult. Creating good sleep hygieneyour sleeping patterns and scheduleis very important and similar to any other type of body hygiene. The rst step in this processismaintainingaconsistentsleep schedule and getting your body in a goodWrhythm. What youdoas yougetreadytoWeebbssiitteessffoorrsslleeeepphhyyggiieenneesleep is just as important as sleeping. Learning and understanding sleep is the rst Technology is evolving rapidly, and new waysstep in your journey to restorative healthful totrackandimprovesleepareconstantlyrest. Healthline.com is an informative site to get being invented. Tracking your sleeping habitsyou started. Click on the Discover drop down and identifying trouble areas is the next stepmenu and choose Sleep. A second site that towards achieving a restful night of sleep.is equally informative is Sleepfoundation.org. Getting feedback on your sleep patterns isClick on the Sleep Topics drop down menu crucial to understanding if you are reachingto access a wide variety of articles that will your goals. greatly increase your sleep knowledge base. On either website, you will nd topics to address This article will cover two main areas. Theany areas you nd are affecting your ability rst will focus on sleep hygiene and how toto get quality rest when you sleep. create an environment conducive to fallingWhat you do to get ready to sleep affects asleep. The second part will concentrate onyour sleep quality greatly. For example, on a ways to track your sleep habits to help younegative side, watching a TV show or reading understand what your body is doing whilea book before bedtime that has violence or a you sleep. Tracking devices will be dividedlot of conict makes it difficult to quiet your into two categories. The rst will be wearablesmind. However, on a positive side, certain such as a Fitbit or Apple Watch. The secondaromas, such as lavender, have a very calming category will be external trackers. For example,effect and can help you sleep. Aromatherapy there are new devices to track your sleep thatbooks and websites are readily available to learn can be placed under your mattress. more about using essential oils to improve msfocusmagazine.org 20'