b'Choose a program and Health and Wellness Grant.Whether your fundraiser raises $100 orId also suggest asking a friend or family $100,000, your money goes directly into themember to help you. Its not only easier but various free programs and services we offercertainly more fun to plan and execute an to the MS community. When you organize aevent with someone by your side. Trust me, fundraiser for us, we let you choose which ofits a wonderful feeling to know your efforts our free services and programs you wouldin giving back are going to a good cause and like your fundraising efforts to be applied to.that real people are grateful for your help.Some say, Debra, please divide the moneyWhenever I speak with one of our clients, evenly between all the various services. Othersand they ask me how we raise our money, I prefer to choose one or a combination of theexplain that people just like themselves are many. If you check out our MSFocus.orgthe reasons MS Focus has been able to help website, you willlearnmoreabouthowthe MS community for the past 37 years. As MS Focus helps the MS community. We offera person who has been a volunteer for the the Homecare Assistance Grant, Emergencypast 49 years, it consistently brings me joy. Assistance Grant, Assistive Technology Pro- Even those that are living with various levels gram, Cooling Program, Computer Program,ofdisabilitycanexperiencethefeelingof Healthcare Assistance Grant, Transportationempowermentbyencouragingtheirown Assistance Grant, Brighter Tomorrow Grant,family and friends to give back. If youd like to consider a fundraiser, call 888-673-6287 to discuss your ideas.49msfocusmagazine.org'