b'Medicine & ResearchGS GeetttthheeVViittaallShhuutteeyyeeYYoouuNNeeeeddSSlleeeepphheellppssrreegguullaatteemmeettaabboolliiccffuunnccttiioonnss,,aannddclleeaannaannddrreeppaaiirrddaammaaggeecd doonneedduurriinnggyyoouurrddaayyOne-third of the adult population, and two- andcognitiveandsexualdysfunction. thirds of adolescents, are getting insufficientConsistent insufficient sleep also causes sleeponaregularbasis,accordingtothechronic low-grade inflammation, which Centers for Disease Control. Efforts to addresstheoretically may worsen MS. this problem have yet to be successful, withGettingregularsleephelpstoregulate the number of adults who are chronically sleepyour metabolic, endocrine, and neurological decient increasing every year.functions. Its your bodys time to clean-up The effects of sleep deciency arent connedand repair damage done during your awake only to the fatigued individual. Insufficienthours. Muscle damage that comes from normal sleep is responsible for nearly a quarter of alldaily use is repaired. Hormones are released, transportation accidentscar, train, bus, boat,including those that promote the growth of or plane. Its also a common cause of on-the-jobnew cells. Immune cells are boosted. Chemical accidents, ranging from industrial accidentswaste is removed from the brain, and the to medical mistakes. Another reason sleepdays memories are permanently stored. deciency is a public concern is because of theAttemptingtorunyourbodywithoutthe increased burden it places on the healthcarehormones,neurochemicals,andcellsthat system. sleep produces is like continuing to run your On a personal level, the effects of sleepcar without oil and coolantsure to lead to a deciency are greater than just feeling tiredbreakdown. orhavingdifficultyconcentrating.ItcanThe rst step to getting sufficient sleep is to weaken your immune systems ability to ghtgure out why you arent getting enough now. off infection, increase your appetite, slow yourFor many people, it may be a matter of not metabolism,andhamperyourjudgment.making sleep a priority. For others, it may be Chronic sleep insufficiency contributes to heartthat too many commitments or responsibilities disease,diabetes,obesity,andhighbloodget in the way.pressure. It has also been linked to cancer,Studies show as many as 58 percent of Alzheimers disease, and dementia. Further- people with MS may have sleep apnea, more, some studies indicate sleep deciencyinsomnia,orothersleepdisorders.Often, increases a persons risk of developing MS.thesedisordersgoundiagnosed. Ask your For those with MS, a lack of sleep candoctor if you need to be evaluated for a sleep aggravate symptoms such as pain, depression,disorder.msfocusmagazine.org 6'