b"Summary of available sleep aidsWhen lifestyle changes alone aren't enough to improve sleep quality, various sleep aids may be considered for certain patients. Always consult your healthcare provider, preferably your prescriber or a pharmacist, before using any medication or supplement because some products may have drug interactions or may be harmful in some patients.Examples of sleep aid options include:1. Melatonin: Your body produces this hormone naturally to help regulate sleep-wake cycles. Taking a melatonin supplement can be useful for adjusting sleep patterns. Melatonin is available over-the-counter in several different formulations, including gummies, tablets, and capsules.2. Prescription medications: Medicationssuch as muscle relaxants or antidepressantsmay be prescribed to manage pain, muscle spasms, and mood disorders that contribute to sleep disturbances. 3. Over-the-counter sleep aids: These include antihistamines that induce drowsiness. However, they should be used cautiously and only as directed. 4. Cannabidiol: Some individuals with MS have reported improved sleep after using CBD, but research is ongoing, and its use should be discussed with a healthcare provider prior to consumption. Quality sleep is an important part of maintaining good health for individuals with MS. A holistic approach to improving sleep should be taken. This includes adopting good sleep hygiene practices and, if necessary for some patients, considering available sleep aids. By actively addressing sleep challenges, patients with MS can enjoy an improved quality of life and a better overall well-being. Remember, each patient's journey to better sleep is unique, so be sure to work closely with your healthcare providers to nd what works best for you. If youexperience sleeping disorders due to your MS, what are your key sleep strategies to get a goo d night's rest?Theena Good SpencerI listen to some soothing music. Sonia Negron ChotoI have to take Ambien to help me sleep. Scott Clothier Tommy ChongCBD oils. Shirley TaftI take two Tylenol before going to bed. Michelle IveyI take Mirapex. Patricia LichtenfeltI take trazadone. Kim WorthingtonAmbien works for me.13 msfocusmagazine.org"