b'Symptom ManagementHHeeaalltthhyyHHaabbiittssKKeeyyt oRReessttffuullSSlleeeepptoFFooccuussoonnttuurrnniinnggddoowwnnnnooiisseeooffmmiinndd,,bbooddyy,,aannddeennvviirroonnmmeennttBy Megan WeigelAhh! Sleep. For the lucky, it comes easily.pain, spasticity, overactive bladder, and wake- For the rest, its a struggle that causes anxietypromoting medications. Unfortunately, many almost from the minute their eyes open in theof the medications we use for sleep either morning. What is it about sleep that keeps usdisturb our sleep architecture and deprive awake?us of much needed REM sleep or are linked About15percentof Americanshaveto an increased risk of Alzheimers disease insomnia. Sleep-related movement andwith long-term use. This latter group includes respiratorydisordersarealsocommon,over-the-counter medications such as increasing with age and weight. Insomnia isdiphenhydramine, other antihistamines, and pretty easy to catch. Just think about the lasttricyclic antidepressants. This may be why time you had a difficult time falling asleep.the American Academy of Sleep Medicine You were probably already worried about theupdated its guidelines to state that behavioral next nights sleep long before it got there.interventions(forinsomnia)arethegold Sleep is important, perhaps even more sostandard of care. in MS, given that fatigue is one of the mostWhat can you do to break unhealthy habits? common symptoms in MS. Poor sleep is linkedPracticing good sleep hygiene is essential. to cerebrovascular disease, cancers, metabolicHere are some tips to help: disorders, autoimmune disorders, infection, Institute a regular bedtime and wake time obesity, memory issues, and inammatory(include exposure to morning light and dim disorders. Less REM sleep may be associatedlights in the evening). with an increased risk of dementia. An old Manage caffeine intake (it hangs around Irish proverb says, A good laugh and a longlonger for certain people) and limit or abstain sleep are the best cures in a doctors book.from alcohol in the late evening hours. Few would argue this. Hopefully, better sleep Avoid exercise for three to four hours before quality will translate to less fatigue in your day.bed.Breaking unhealthy habitsAvoid high glycemic and harder to digest Many conditions affect sleep: anxiety,foods in the evening depression, fear, heartburn, sleep apnea, Create a healthy sleep environment: think clean, restless legs, a full belly, caffeine, alcohol, andcool, dark, quiet, peaceful, and comfortable screen time to name a few. Conditions unique Limit yourscreentime,orgetbluelight to multiple sclerosis that affect sleep includeglasses or a lter if you use a screen to read. msfocusmagazine.org 8'