b'your health and well-being. There are alsoREM, Core, and Deep sleep and displays the essential oil diffusers that can be preset to turnresults in an easy-to-interpret graph. Once on or off at certain timessuch as bedtime.again, the Sleep Foundation has sources to A simple search for a diffuser with WiFi willhelp nd the best wearable device for your yield results for under $50 that can be voice-needs. The results may surprise you. Wearable or smartphone-controlled. You can experimentsleep-tracking devices is a billion-dollar with different scents to nd one that is pleasingindustry.and relaxing for you. Also, many diffusers haveIf wearing a device is uncomfortable, or a built-in light to help create the perfect relaxingyou just prefer not to, there are sleep trackers ambiance. that can be placed under your mattress or Another way to prepare for sleep is quietblankets. These devices can be more expensive, meditation. This can done before or in bed to helpand, unlike the wearables, they are sleep-specic quiet your mind. Once again, the Healthlineand are not going to track things such as tness and Sleep Foundation websites will get youor the number of steps taken when exercising. started on learning about sleep meditationLastly, if you have health issues related to practice. Search their sites for meditation.sleep, such as sleep apnea or snoring, you The room where you sleep should be coolshould consult a medical sleep specialist rst. and dark. Once you gure out the light andThey will be able to advise you on medical temperature that works best, you can purchaseremedies, if necessary.a smart home device to manage these elements.Sleep is affected by so many other factors While there are very expensive smart homein your life. What works one day may not systems, a simple wall plug can turn lights onyield the same results the next day. The more or off, and a simple smart thermostat is all youconsistent you can be with your sleep routine, need to control room temperature. A greatthe more often youll sleep better. While place to start for looking for inexpensive devicestechnology can help you monitor your sleep, is Tomsguide.com. Go to the site and search foryou still need to learn and practice a healthy smart lights and smart thermostats. A bonusregimen with using technology before bedtime. to using these devices is that it may lower yourThe goal of practicing healthy sleep hygiene home energy bill. is to promote more restful nights helping you T to ght the fatigue symptoms of MS. TrraacckkiinnggddeevviicceessttootthheerreessccuueeNow you are ready to monitor what happens in your body as you sleep. As mentioned, thereCOOLING VESTS are wearable and external devices. Many of you probably already have the popular wearableYOU WANT devices that monitor your health but may notTO WEAR.have realized they can also monitor your sleep. The Fitbit, Apple watch, or iPhone are all popular and relatively user friendly. A search for monitoring your sleep (with the device you choose) will yield all the information you need,MSF cooling program suppliersuch as how to use it and what it monitors.855-232-7233For example, the Apple watch monitors Awake, 21 msfocusmagazine.org'