b' I had a good week at work. My walk is gettingthe week. Did a lot of touring, shopping and better now, and I had a week off work usingI kept up all week, thank God. holiday time.There were more and some were quiteI got to be with my sister and family beforedetailed, but these show you that even small treatments.wins can make a big difference. Thank youScheduled the day I start Ocrevus.for sharing them with us. What are some ofBrother and sister-in-law were visiting foryour weekly wins? DDooyyoouuffeeeelltthheenneeeeddttoottaallkk??Consider joining one of the many support groups that are affiliated with MS Focus. Visit our website at msfocus.org, contact us at 888-673-6287, or email supportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. We are always here for you.Please welcome these newly affiliated groups: Northwest Tucson MS Self-Help GroupTucson, Ariz. Leaders: Cindy Lewis and Rachel Thomas Tulsa PACE MS Support Group Tulsa, Okla. Leaders: Ben Leitch and Sandra Payne Parker Pals Parker, Colo. Leaders: Stephanie Beaucond and Wendy Kubly Visit our website at msfocus.org or email us atsupportgroups@msfocus.org to nd the support group nearest to you. OOuurrOOnnlliinneeCCoommmmuunniittiieessWe have four private, closed facebook groups where our members and the community at-large can communicate with each other and get answersto their questions.Multiple Sclerosis Foundationfacebook.com/groups/msfocus is a group where anyone living with or affected by MS, or those with suspected MS, can come and ask questions, or find resources that may be of help and interest.MS Care-Partners Onlyfacebook.com/groups/mscarepartners is only for individuals who are in a close partnering relationship with someone who is diagnosed with MS.MS FOCUS Confidential facebook.com/groups/906460479752961is only for individuals diagnosed with MS .MS Focus on the LGBT Communityfacebook.com/groups/msfocuslgbt A private space for those living with MS who identify as LGBTQ+. 37 msfocusmagazine.org'