b"To make sure you are getting enough sleep: Avoid caffeine, nicotine, or other stimulants close to bedtime. Dim your lights and electronic screens in the evening. Turn off your devices or silenceSOLUTIONS FORthem one to two hours before bed.COOLING EVERY BODY! Avoid television or games with a great deal of action or excitement close to bedtime. Rather, engage in relaxing activities like meditation.Try to arrange your schedule to allow yourself to go to bed and wake at the same time, and to get a minimum of seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Learn MoreMSFocusMagazine.org: Search Sleep on the MS Focus magazine website. You will nd articles on various sleep-related topics including sleep disorders, circadian rhythm,Dont let your MS heat-sensivity keep sleep apnea, and strategies to getting a goodyou from enjoying life to the fullest.nights rest.Polar Products oers many comfortable Assistive Technology Program: This MS Focusand stylish opons to keep you cool. program may help locate, partially fund, or provide full funding for any sleeping aid thatTHANK YOU for your products! I have MS can't be covered under insurance. Devicesand your cooling products are the best. I includesnoringmouthpiece,antisnorerecently received the Polar Fashion Cooling chin strap, antisnoring mouthpiece, soundVest and Neck Wrap through the MS Focus sleep therapy machine, and cooling pillows.Cooling Program. Everything is wonderful. National Sleep Foundation,I am a US Army rered veteran and I love sleepfoundation.org: By providing advocacyyour product. I have been talking to my and education on the subject of sleep, theNeurologists about your products. Plus my organization seeks to improve health andfamily and friends want to take and use well-being.mine! (not happening!). - Judy in North CarolinaHave Your SayHave Your SayWe welcome your questions, suggestions,See our complete product line atopinions and feedback. Reach us at:polarproducts.com|800.763.8423editor@msfocus.org, call 800-225-6495,PROUD SUPPLIER FOR THEor use the contact form at msfocus.org. MS FOCUS COOLING PROGRAM7 msfocusmagazine.org"