b'The founder and creator, Elaine Miceli Vasquez, selects a charity every year to benet from the silent auction and raffle.Elaine made it possible for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation to be the benetting charity for this year. This eventwhich welcomed 1,000 guestscreated signicant awareness of MS in the Hispanic community. We contributed to the silent auction with an array of items that attendees could bid on. With the help of the On Aug. 25, MS Focus Director of PhilanthropyHispanic community, we were able to raise Traci Allyn Shur, along with other members of$17,000tosupportourfreeprogramsand the MS Focus staff, attended the Hispanic Womenservices.of Distinction Luncheon. This annual event, inWe are so grateful to the many companies Florida, honors outstanding Hispanic womenand individuals who donated to our silent auction. in Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties forThank you to table sponsors, Shalloway and their philanthropy and community involvement.Shalloway, PA, Walgreens and Florida Blue.View Online On Oct.3, on Zoom, Dr. Chinea returned to discuss early treatment to avoid disease progression. To view the teleconference, visit our YouTube channel at youtube.com/@MultipleSclerosis Foundation. To watch our recorded conferences, visit the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation YouTube channel, select playlist, and click MS Focus on the Latino Community.Read MS FocusMagazine - Digitally! Read MS FocusMagazine - Digitally! If you love our magazine but want to help us conserve resourcesor just prefer toreadonyourdevicenow youcan.MSFocusMagazineisofferingdigital subscriptions. The same great magazine you know and love can be sent right to your inbox to read online or on your device.If you would like to transition your subscription to digital, visit: msfocus.us/digital today.33 msfocusmagazine.org'