b'MS Focus ActivitiesCCeelleebbrraattiinnggHHiissppaanniiccHHeerriittaaggeeMMoonntthhMSSFFooccuussppuuttsstthheessppoottlliigghhttoonntthheeHHiissppaanniiccccoommmmuunniittyy MBy Kimani Hendricks Studies concerning the effects of multiple20 years, starting with our hotline for those who sclerosis have been broadening beyond theprimarily speak Spanish and are inquiring Caucasian population. The diagnosis of MS ininto the programs and services we provide to people of color is becoming more prevalentaccommodate the needs of families and at present; however, the Latino communityindividuals affected by MS.remains underserved. While the percentageMS Focus has also published and translated of Latinos with MS is lower than their coun- educational fact sheets, brochures, and booklets terparts, they, alongside all living with thisinto Spanish that readers can obtain by request. disease, have the right to access care and in- Among them are, What Everyone Needs to Know, formation on managing their illness. Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Hispanic Americans with MS living in the U.S.and MS: A Guide for Families.are more likely to encounter socioeconomicTo receive copies of our publications in barriers that can prevent them from receivingSpanish, visit msfocus.us/Booklets. appropriate MS care than their counterparts.Before the pandemic, MS Focus employees Additionally, there is a unique set of challengesoften visited Puerto Rico, hosting educational presented for public health practitioners whenevents with preeminent guest speakers, such recruiting Hispanic persons with MS such asas Dr. Angel Chinea, and Dr. Ben Thrower. language barriers, cultural views, and concernsBesides Dr. Chinea, patient-advocate Shawn about immigration status. Hispanic individualsFeliciano, Dr. Augusto Miravalle, Dr. Jose Avila comprise for only 7.6 percent of the participantOrnelas, and Angel G. Graciani-German also population in MS clinical studies while thepresentedonavarietyofessentialtopics Hispanic population represents 18.5 percenteach year for Hispanic Heritage Month and of the U.S. population in the U.S. with MS,beyond. Because of the travel restrictions, we according to a 2010 census. have started hosting our educational webinars MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosis Foundationvia Zoom but are hoping to start traveling in has served the Hispanic community for nearlythe near future once again. msfocusmagazine.org 32'