b'MS Focus ActivitiesGGiivviinnggBBaacckk::MMaannyyWWaayysst oFFuunnddrraaiisseetoThere are so many creative ways to host a fundraiserMy name is Debra Forman, and for almostMS and, although theyve never planned a 11 years, I have been the educational programsfundraiser, they would like some advice on coordinator for MS Focus: the Multiple Sclerosishow to get started. A smile comes to my face Foundation. For the past 3 1/2 years, Ive beenwhen they admit the reason they chose MS the main contact person for individuals whoFocus as the recipient of their future efforts either consider or decide to host a fundraiseris because theyve learned we help with the for our organization. Ive been inspired by,critical daily needs of so many individuals and in awe of, the individuals (many livingliving with MS who are struggling to provide with MS) who have dedicated themselves tofor themselves.raising funds for MS Focus. There are so many creative ways to host a As a person who has made volunteerismfundraiser. I would suggest calling me rst so an important role in my life, Ive always hadI can explain all the ways our organization a special place in my heart for those whocan help you meet your goal. We can create a understand the magnitude of giving back. Iyer for the event, supply you with proof of often nd myself explaining to others why itsour 501(c)(3) status, recommend various places so important to help those who are less fortunate.and methods that have proven successful, and, Im convinced that regardless of what life hasof course, send you MS Focus educational dealt us, there are always people who are lessmaterials and giveaway items for the day of fortunate and could use our help.the event. We even have MS Focus banners to MS Focus can help the MS communityhang in the fundraising area. In the past, some because of the generosity of others. Whetherpeople have hosted yard sales, bake sales, the donation is small, medium, or largeangolf tournaments, basket raffles, walk/run/ old car or even a small gift from ones estatewheel-a-thon (even virtually), church collections,the result is that more people in need canconcerts, company giving back days, restaurant be assisted. and bar fundraisers, jewelry sales, antique car Hosting a fundraiser shows, bowling get-togethers, and silent auctions. I love when I receive a call from someoneWeve even had high school clubs think of who tells me that either they, a friend, an aunt,creative ways to fundraise for us. The list is a sister, a coworker, or a parent are living withendless. msfocusmagazine.org 48'