b'Engaging muscles, helping gait cost can be prohibitive (close to $350-$400), Whether the session is one-on-one or withhowever when subsidized, the cost can be a group, equine-assisted therapy can helpbetween $50-$75, depending on the organization. with cognition, speech, and language, and, notFor OT, PT, and SLP, you will need approval from surprisingly, depression, mental health, andyour doctor; also, check with your insurance PTSD.Many veteransndequinetherapyto see if equine therapy might be covered. programs help to reconnect with their mind,Generally, these sessions occur once a week body, and spirit. Just being on a farm can affectover a six- to eight-week period. Like many memory through your sense of smell. Often,therapies,theresultsarecumulativeand people with dementia will light up uponhappen over a series of sessions, said Mrs. entering a barn and sense the change in theirGliedman-Baker.environment. Wondering what you can expect in a typical For those with MS, hippotherapy focuses onsession on horseback? First, leave the cowboy physical, occupational, and speech languagehat at home and always remember to wear your therapy. The movement or gait of the horse gentlyhelmet. If not, you will likely be reminded many, causes the rider to engage their core muscles andmany times. And, while you dont need boots, helps with balance once the ride dismounts. closed toes are required, and long pants are Riding a horse looks different for each person.preferred. You will likely have volunteers assist Some people might require a Hoyer lift; in turnas horse leaders or sidewalkers. During a session, that will require a horse that is capable of beingthe therapist will work with you and guide the around the lift. Kristine said Since horses aresession.ight animals, meaning they tend to ee whenLet the facility you go to know any particulars spooked, many times older horses are used aswith your medical history that might be of therapy assistants. They tend to be calmer andconcern, such as medications or if you have more aware of their surroundings. Remember,had seizures or a stroke. Kristine suggests, you are not getting on Seabiscuit, these areConsider the time of day you are riding, morning well-established horses. rides are much cooler. Take stock of how you If you have not been around horses before,feel, are your legs numb? Stay hydrated and rule number one: Never walk closely behind aspeak up, tell your therapist, volunteers, or staff horse, some horses kick rst and ask questionsif you are having any issues or concerns. later. They also have a tail that can whip you.While equine therapy is not for everyone, Look for visual cues such as ears that arefor those who have been around horses for pinnedbackandifthehorseisjumping.any amount of time, you come to appreciate Even though a horse might be well-trained, ithow well horses handle emotions and life does not mean it is perfect in every situation. going on around them. They dont judge or Leave the cowboy hat at home process information the same way we do, but At some therapy centers such as High Horses,they will remember who you are, if you muchofthecostfortherapysessionsareremember to bring them a carrot, they will be subsidized by donors. A typical sessions truehappy to see you. Resources To nd a PATH International certied riding center near you, visit pathintl.org. For more on hippotherapy, visit americanhippotherapyassociation.org.Also visit HighHorses.org to read more about the adventures of a therapeutic horseback ridingcenter.45 msfocusmagazine.org'